Video: The power lunch workout

Build strength and stamina in less time than a three-martini lunch.

Maximize a 30-minute session with this multitasking cardio/strength circuit. "Moving quickly through total body movements keeps your heart rate up throughout the session, so you’re burning calories and toning in the most efficient way possible," says Equinox instructor Mark Hendricks, who created the workout and stars in the video, above. Move through the circuit 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between each move and for one minute between each set. Do this routine 3-4 times per week on nonconsecutive days for best results.

1. Power Jump: Begin in a deep lunge, left foot forward, right fingertips on floor, left arm extended behind you. Push off left leg and jump to stand, driving right knee forward, foot flexed, as you swing left arm forward and right arm back. Go for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat for another 30 seconds.

2. Renegade Row: Start in push-up position, weight in left hand. Engage abs to stabilize and lift left hand, bending elbow to 90 degrees, then extend left arm back. Bend elbow, then return to start for one rep. Go for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat for another 30 seconds.

3. Lateral Skaters: Stand with feet together, knees bent, holding weight at either end at chest level, elbows bent. Push off right foot and jump to left, bringing right foot slightly behind left and lowering weight toward floor. Push off left foot to return to start for one rep. Go for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat for another 30 seconds.

4. Bear Squat: From plank position with elbows bent and tight to sides (Chaturanga), push body back toward heels, bending and rotating knees to right. In one fluid motion, drive body forward back to start, then push body back toward heels bending and rotating knees to left for one rep. Go for 30 seconds.

5. Swing Release: Start with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, arms extended overhead, palms facing. Bending at waist, release arms behind you as you bend knees and jump. Return to start, then squat, keeping arms straight overhead for one rep. Go for one minute.

6. Dumbbell Rotation: Begin on knees holding a weight at either end in front of you at waist-height, elbows slightly bent. Rotate torso bringing weight towards left hip, allowing head to follow, then rotate right, then left, then step right foot forward on slight diagonal, knee bent 90 degrees and swing weight overhead for one rep. Go for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat for another 30 seconds.

More January 2012