The do-anywhere workout

Take this 16-minute, equipment-free session wherever you go.

With the onset of the holiday season come many personal concessions, but missed workouts do not have to be one. Whether you’re on the road trapped in a hotel room or simply pressed for time between meetings and shopping trips, this quick and effective do-anywhere session (it’s just 16 minutes and change and doesn’t require a single piece of equipment) will fit perfectly into even the most aggressive schedules.

The magic is in the movement “stack":

Do move 1 for 30 seconds; rest for 30 seconds

Do moves 1 and 2 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds

Do moves 1, 2 and 3 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds

Do moves 1, 2, 3 and 4 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds

Do moves 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds

Do moves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds

Then repeat the stack one more time.

“It’s a spin on density training, which, in its traditional definition, takes place over the course of weeks or months,” says Lisa Wheeler, senior national creative manager for group fitness at Equinox in New York City, who designed the workout. “The same principle applies though: You’re increasing the amount of work you’re doing, but you’re not increasing the recovery.”

It’s the extreme intensity of the build-up that allows for such a short working session. “It's high intensity interval training in a different format, so it provides similar benefits,” says Geralyn Coopersmith, exercise physiologist and Equinox Health Advisory Board Member. “You’ll increase lean body tissue, which revs metabolism and maximizes fat burning, helping you burn calories long after you're finished.”

Whitney Noble, an Equinox trainer in Chicago, demoes the moves below. Grab a stopwatch, go hard, and remember Wheeler’s wise words: “You can do anything for 30 seconds.” Happy Holidays.

Bodyweight wide row

Sit on floor and place elbows on two sturdy chairs, side tables, ottomans or workout benches. Bend knees 90 degrees and lift feet off floor. Press elbows to into benches to engage back muscles and push chest forward as you pull knees into chest (as shown), then return to start. Repeat for 30 seconds. (works back and abs)

Bulgarian split squat jump

Stand about one foot in front of bench, and place top of right foot on it, elbows bent 90 degrees, hands in fists and shoulder-height (as shown). Bend left knee, then jump, extending arms to ceiling. Continue jumping for 15 seconds. Switch sides; repeat. (works shoulders, abs, butt, legs)

Pull-push side plank

Start on all fours, then press back into child’s pose, balls of feet on floor, arms extended in front of you. Pull body forward into push-up position, elbows close to sides, knees on or off floor, then press back into child’s pose. Next, press into side plank position, right hand on floor, kicking right leg through to left side and raising left arm to ceiling (as shown), then return to start. Continue for 15 seconds. Switch sides; repeat. (works chest, back, shoulders, arms, abs....)

Single-arm plank kick

Start in deep lunge, left leg forward, right hand flat on floor, left arm extended behind you at left side. Step left leg bank into single-arm plank, then step left leg forward, pressing off left foot to stand and kick right leg forward, elbows bent 90 degrees, hands in fists in front of face (as shown). Tap right toe to floor, then step back to start. Continue for 15 seconds. Switch sides; repeat. (works shoulders, abs, butt, legs)

Reverse plank leg extension

Start in reverse plank, shoulders over wrists. Bend right leg and draw knee in toward chest, then extend leg straight up to ceiling, toe pointed (as shown), then bend knee back in towards chest and return to start. Repeat on opposite leg. Continue for 30 seconds. (works shoulders, abs, butt, legs)

Squat jump 180

Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, arms at sides, then squat, touching left hand to floor between legs, palm in, right arm extended behind you (as shown), then press off floor and jump, rotating body 180 degrees to left, wind-milling arms in air, landing in a squat with right hand on floor, between legs. Repeat, jump back to start, rotating body to right. Continue for 30 seconds. (works abs, butt, legs)

More November 2013