20-minute workout: Fusion (barre, pilates, barefoot cardio)

While you can carve a tantalizingly toned body in less than a half hour, we’re here to tell you what you likely already know: To reap the rewards—increased calorie burn, strength, power, blissful endorphin high—truncated workouts must be insanely intense. So, we asked a team of Equinox trainers and group fitness instructors what they would do if they were given just 20 minutes to have at it. Here is the latest in the series.

The Pros (pictured from left to right): Nicole De Anda (Group Fitness Manager, Equinox South Bay), BASI Certified Pilates Instructor, Group Fitness Instructor (Barre and Mat Pilates); Carrie Macy Samper(National Pilates Training Manager, Equinox), Certified Pilates instructor, Group Fitness Instructor (Pilates Mat, Budokon); Layla Guest (Group Fitness Manager, Equinox Downtown LA), Certified Pilates and Yoga Instructor, Certified Group Fitness Instructor (Barre Burn, Metabolic Conditioning and Indoor Cycling)

The Clubs: Downtown LA, Westwood, South Bay

The Workout: In this preview of a new class that’s about to debut at Equinox SoCal clubs, you’ll start off with some slow burning sculptors, go into a cardio combo, then work on your balance and end with a series of core exercises. Perform as a circuit, moving from one element to the next, in the order listed. Best if performed to the beat of music, ideally timed at 130BPMs.


Plank to Down Dog: Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Roll forward and place hands flat on floor. Walk hands out to plank (palms under shoulders, legs extended behind you, abs engaged), take a full inhale, and then lift hips toward ceiling, into Downward Facing Dog, on exhale. Repeat plank to Down Dog 10 times. After your last plank, walk hands back to feet and roll up to start, reaching arms overhead for a full-body stretch.

Roll-out pushup with rotation: Stand with feet at hip-width, roll forward to place hands on ground, and walk out to plank. Perform a push-up, then move into a side plank. Return to plank, perform another push-up, and move into a side plank on the other side. Continue, alternating sides, for 10 push-ups. Walk hands back to feet and roll up to start, reaching arms overhead for a full-body stretch.

Curtsy Lunge

Stand in first position, with heels together, toes pointed slightly out to sides, arms extended out to sides at shoulder level. Lunge back and to the left of left foot with right leg, bending both knees in a curtsy, and reach right arm behind you, trying to touch right foot with hand. Extend both arms overhead. Return to starting position. Do 8 reps; switch legs and repeat.

Curtsy Kick

Stand in first position, with heels together, toes pointed slightly out to sides, arms extended out to sides at shoulder level. Lunge back and to the left of left foot with right leg, bending both knees in a curtsy, as you lower arms by sides, touching fingers to floor. Stand up and kick right leg out to side, as you lift arms out to shoulder level, and then land back in curtsy position. Do 8 reps; switch legs and repeat.

Second Position Burpees

Stand in second position, with feet shoulder-width apart, legs and feet turned slightly out to sides, arms by sides. Squat down and place hands flat on floor, directly under shoulders. Jump or step feet back into plank. Jump or step feet back toward hands, into second position. Jump (or stand) straight up, arms overhead, and repeat. Do 8 reps.


Stand in second position, with feet shoulder-width apart, legs and feet turned slightly out to sides, arms extended out to sides at shoulder level. Perform a plié, bending knees, sitting hips back, and pulse down 3 times. Balance on right leg as you stand back up, and place pointed left toes on inside of right knee, with left knee bent and rotated out to side (in passé). Return to start. Do 8 reps; switch legs and repeat.

R&R (Reset & Release)

Take large step-touches, moving from side to side, as you swing your arms. Pick up speed to match the beat of the music. Bend your knees and begin to take bigger steps as you go along. Continue for 1 minute.

Corset Core Circuit

Single-Leg Stretch: Lie face-up on floor with legs extended and together, arms by sides. Bring knees into chest as you curl head and shoulders off floor, looking at abs. Reach both hands to right shin, and then extend left leg diagonally toward ceiling. Pull right knee closer to chest; switch legs (left knee in; right leg extended). Do 8 reps, keeping abs engaged throughout.

Scissors: Lie face-up on floor, knees pulled into chest, head and shoulders curled off floor, looking at abs. Extend both legs toward ceiling, directly over hips. Hold onto back of right leg with both hands, lower left leg toward floor. Pull right leg closer to chest; switch legs (left up; right down). Do 8 reps.

Criss Cross: Lie face-up on floor with knees bent over hips, hands behind head, elbows out to sides. Curl head and shoulders off floor, looking at abs. Extend left leg diagonally toward ceiling as you rotate torso and chest to left, reaching right elbow to left knee. Switch sides and repeat. Do 8 reps.

Scissor Criss Cross: Lie face-up on floor, hands behind head, elbows out to sides, legs extended toward ceiling, directly over hips. Curl head and shoulders off floor, looking at abs. Lower left leg toward floor as you rotate torso and chest to right, reaching left elbow to right knee. Switch sides and repeat. Do 8 reps.


Take large step-touches, moving from side to side, as you swing your arms. Pick up speed to match the beat of the music. Bend your knees and begin to take bigger steps as you go along. Continue for 1 minute.

More May 2014