Try it: protein-packed bread

What athletes need to know about the lower-carb alternative

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#Fitnessbread is trending on Instagram. There are several brands using the language "fitness bread" or "protein bread" to promote their products, usually promising fewer grams of carbohydrates in exchange for double or triple the compared to the regular variety.


“The macronutrient makeup of high-protein bread is often much different than that of regular bread,” explains Amanda Lloyd, a registered dietician based on Long Island. One slice of P28 bread (a popular brand) contains 130 calories, has 14 grams of protein, and 12 grams of carbohydrate. Whereas one slice of 100 percent whole wheat bread, for example, contains 100 calories, has 19 grams of carbohydrates, and four grams of protein, says Lloyd.

That's good news for athletes looking for more of the muscle-building nutrient, but before loading up on the stuff, take a look at your protein needs, advises Lloyd, who cautions that it can be easy to overdo it. “Let’s say you have a turkey and cheese sandwich made with two slices of P28 bread: that means you're consuming 28 grams of protein in addition to the approximate 14 grams of protein from the meat and cheese. That’s a total 42 grams of protein from just one sandwich.” While that might be appropriate for some athletes, it's something to keep in mind, notes Lloyd.


High-protein bread can be an excellent option for your morning breakfast after a hard workout, but moderation is key. Try it as an open-faced sandwich with your favorite nut butter or avocado, suggests Lloyd.

More September 2017