The mostability workout

Target both mobility and stability with double-duty exercises.

Generally speaking, if you’re looking to build stability, plank holds and one-sided balances find their way into your routine. If you want to improve mobility, you focus on more athletic drills and exercises. However, incorporating basic movements into all-too-often static stability poses allows you to simultaneously boost both skills: mobility and stability.

The combination, often referred to as mostability, helps your body function better. The five mostability planks below count as full-body exercises because the basic plank requires core strength, and the additional movements also activate the glutes, obliques, back, and shoulders.

Plank with Leg Flexion and Extension

Get into standard plank position, hands directly beneath shoulders, but lift right leg off of floor. Drive right knee towards hands, then drive right heel towards ceiling, forming an upside-down V with your body, keeping a straight line from heel to your head. Do 3 to 5 reps; switch legs and repeat. 


Thoracic Extension with Hollow Hold

Lie facedown with palms on floor under shoulders, head and chest lifted, back slightly arched, legs together and extended behind you. Starting the movement from your core, lift body into plank position and round back slightly toward ceiling. Slowly return to start. Do 8 to 10 reps.


Plank with Leg Abduction and Adduction

In standard plank position, keeping back flat and head and hands stationary and right leg elevated, drive hips from left to right, crossing right leg over left and back, keeping right foot flexed. Do 3 to 5 reps; switch legs and repeat. 


Knee Slides

Start in plank position. Bring right knee up beside right wrist. Keeping toes pointed, abs engaged and back flat, “slide” knee all the way up side of your arm, until you reach shoulder level. Slide back down and repeat. Do 8 to 10 reps; switch sides and repeat.


Side Plank with Arm and Leg Extension

Get into a side plank, resting on left forearm, right arm at side, and lift right leg up to hip height. Simultaneously drive right foot and right hand forward and backwards. Do 3 to 5 reps. 


More January 2018