8 tough moves for new moms

This metabolism-boosting workout will sculpt necessary muscle.

Even the fittest women may find themselves with weaker muscles after having a baby. “You lose muscle mass when you’re pregnant but heavy weights build it back—weight lifting is the most efficient way to train,” says Long Island, New York–based Equinox group fitness instructor, Jennifer Tsiolis.

Way beyond aesthetics, functional strength is crucial for your new role. It takes powerful legs to squat down to pick up a little one; your arms and shoulders work overtime to heft heavy gear; and a strong core helps prevent back pain and slumped posture.

This workout, created by Tsiolis, shores up those muscle groups with compound exercises done with heavy resistance. And women who have recently given birth can go harder than they may think. “It’s possible to begin low-intensity exercise within days of a vaginal delivery with no complications, and you can slowly progress to vigorous exercise, like this, at six weeks,” says Fred Guckes, MD, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland. (If you had a C-section, Guckes says you probably won’t be cleared for any type of exercise until the six- or eight-week mark.) Though, every person and delivery is different, so get your doctor’s approval before beginning any new exercise routine.

The workout: Do 3 sets of each exercise in order, resting 30 seconds between sets. Perform 15 reps on the first set, 12 on the second, and 10 on the last, increasing the resistance every set. “The weight should be heavy enough that the last two reps of every set are very hard,” says Tsiolis. Catch your breath for 1 minute between every exercise. For best results, perform this workout 3 times a week (try to increase the weight each week) and do cardio twice a week.

Clothing provided by The Shop at Equinox.

Incline Chest Press

Position an adjustable bench at a 45-degree incline. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lie face up on the bench with knees bent and feet on the floor. Extend arms straight over your chest, shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you. Bend elbows, lowering the weights toward your chest. Extend arms to return to the starting position and repeat. 

Single-Arm Bent Over Row

Keep the bench positioned at a 45-degree incline. Hold a dumbbell in left hand and place right knee on the seat and right hand on the seat back. Extend left arm toward the floor, wrist aligned with shoulder, and palm facing right. Bend left elbow straight back, bringing weight toward the left side of your waist. Extend arm to starting position and repeat. Do all reps on the left side, then switch sides to complete set.

Resistance Band Goblet Squat

Wrap a loop resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees, and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold one end of a dumbbell with both hands close to your chest, elbows pointing down. Bend your knees, squatting until thighs are parallel to floor. Rise up to starting position and repeat. 

Walking Lunge

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended at sides and palms facing thighs. Take a big step back with left foot and bend knees until left thigh is parallel to the floor. Rise up as you take a big step back with right foot to complete 1 rep. Continue alternating to complete the set. 


Place a barbell on the floor and stand facing it with feet hip-width apart. Bend forward from hips and grasp the barbell with hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping back flat and only a slight bend in knees, rise up to standing, pulling barbell up until it’s in front of your thighs. Bend forward to starting position and repeat (holding onto barbell the entire time).

Hip Thrust

Wrap a loop resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees, and hold a barbell in front of your hips. Sit on the floor with your upper back leaning against a bench, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Push hips up until your shoulders and knees are aligned. Lower hips to the starting position and repeat.

Farmer’s Carry

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell in each hand, arms extended at your sides, and palms facing your body. Step forward with right foot, and then left, to complete 1 rep. Repeat, turning around whenever you run out of space to walk. 

Up-Down Plank

Get in a plank position with arms extended, shoulders aligned over wrists. Bend right elbow, and place right forearm on the floor, elbow aligned under shoulder; then bend left elbow, and place left forearm on the floor, elbow aligned over shoulder. Extend right arm, and then extend left arm, to complete 1 rep. Repeat, keeping body aligned from head to heels the entire time.

More January 2018