Power pair: Jacob’s Ladder and Dirty Dozen

This high-intensity workout is a string of back-to-back challenges.

Athletes up for a challenge, meet this mash-up of two trainer favorites: Jacob's Ladder and the “Dirty Dozen” formula.

The former is an angled, self-propelled machine that utilizes your entire body through a climbing motion, while the latter is a group of 12 exercises that strengthen nearly every muscle in your body. Put them together and you get a series of back-to-back challenges. This plan will have you drenched in less than half an hour.

Do each move in circuit A for 1 minute, then perform 3 minutes on a Jacob's Ladder. Then, move on to circuits B, C, and D.For the ladder intervals, move at a moderate intensity (70 to 80 feet per minute), increasing your pace every minute. After the last circuit, cool down with 3 minutes at a pace of 50 feet per minute on the ladder.


1. Clock lunges: Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands on hips. Lunge right leg forward, to 12:00; return to start. Repeat, this time lunging right leg to 3:00, and then to 5:00. Switch sides and repeat, lunging left leg to 12:00, 9:00, and 7:00.

2. Inchworm plank lifts:Stand with feet and legs together and bend forward from waist, placing palms on floor in front of you. Walk hands out to full plank position, and then extend right arm forward, left leg back. Switch sides and repeat; walk hands back up to start.

3. Speed skaters:Stand with feet together, arms by sides. Leading with right leg, leap up and over to right, landing on right foot first, then left. Repeat to left.


1. Rotating reverse lunges: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell horizontally in front of you with both hands, elbows bent by sides. Lunge back with right leg and rotate torso to right; return to start. Switch sides and repeat.

2. Thruster press into triceps extension: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell horizontally in front of you with both hands, elbows bent by sides. Squat, and then press back up to standing, extending arms overhead. Bend elbows to lower weight behind you; extend arms. Return to start.

3. Curtsy lunge with weighted side bend: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell horizontally in front of you with both hands, elbows bent by sides. Lunge right leg behind and to left of left leg, like a curtsy, while simultaneously extending weight overhead and leaning upper body slightly to the left. Return to start; switch sides and repeat.


1. Hinging rows: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides. Bend knees slightly and hinge forward from hips so upper body is almost parallel with floor. Bend elbows behind you as you pull weights up to chest. Squeeze shoulder blades together; release.

2. Reverse lunge with prayer press: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, hands in front of chest, palms facing you, elbows out to sides. Lunge back with right leg as you press weights forward at shoulder level in front of you. Return to start; switch legs and repeat.

3. Single-leg deadlift with rear delt fly: Stand on right foot, left foot lifted slightly off floor, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides. Hinge forward from hips, keeping back flat and abs engaged. When you’ve gone as far as possible maintaining a flat back, lift dumbbells out to sides at shoulder level with elbows slightly bent. Squeeze shoulder blades together; lower and return to start. Switch sides and repeat.


1. Tabletop with alternating knee crunches: Start on all fours, with knees under hips and palms under shoulders. Extend right leg behind you, and then bring knee into chest, return to start. Switch legs and repeat.

2. Bridges with hip abduction/adduction: Lie face-up with knees bent, feet flat on floor, arms by sides. Press hips up toward ceiling, forming a diagonal line from knees to shoulders. Extend right leg diagonally in front of you, and then press leg out to side; return to start. Switch legs and repeat.

3. Forearm plank with leg lifts: Start in plank position, with legs extended behind you, elbows under shoulders, forearms on floor, abs engaged, back flat. Lift right leg a few inches toward ceiling; lower. Switch legs and repeat.

More April 2018