6 top skincare picks for men

Face wash, lip balm, and more grooming essentials

For guys, a proper skincare regime prevents sweat-induced acne, protects against environmental pollution, and helps maintain a healthy glow. The following products favored by male athletes, entrepreneurs, and celebs will cover all of your bases.

Face wash

“A good face wash is key. I am a sweaty beast on stage and when I get off my face needs a good wipe down. Kiehl’s has some good stuff for men. It leaves you smelling fresh to go meet everybody.” –Andy Grammer, singer

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Cleansing brush

"This invention is so damn great. I'm a major sweater so keeping my face fresh and not smelling like a locker room—where no locker room talk ever happens, just saying—is important. And you can charge it via your computer." –Brian Tyree Henry, actor

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"Everyone has their Achilles heel—mine is oily skin. Thankfully there's this Oil Eliminator line from Kiehl's. It's okay to shine on the b-ball court...but not so cool in front of the camera." –Sterling K. Brown, actor

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"This is my face lotion of choice after a long workout. It also provides protection with a light SPF." –Doug Pickett, former face of Ralph Lauren

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"The makeup artists I work with on set generally have the best skin. That's where I get my skincare secrets from. They're the ones who told me about this product, which is like the Fountain of Youth in a bottle!" –Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman, actor

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Lip balm

"This is the perfect way to prevent lips from getting dry on long-haul trips." –Josh Udashkin, founder of Raden

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