The trends trainers live by

Movement sparks progress. For high-performers, this forward momentum is powered by currents in science, technology, and subculture. To celebrate ASICS' GEL-KAYANO® 25 and GEL-CUMULUS® 20, Furthermore and ASICS have partnered to harness the power of these currents and show you how to channel them into actual results. 

The wellness world today is an Instagrammer’s paradise. Athletes can freeze themselves in cryotherapy tanks or heat their bodies at a cellular level inside photo-worthy infrared saunas. They can hop on vibrating platforms in the gym to warm up their muscles and refuel post-workout with a beautifully-hued smoothie made with the latest “magic” ingredient

And fitness professionals have seen it all. The best trainers and experts, therefore, must know how to differentiate between flash-in-the-pan fads and the true currents that will drive fitness progress for the highest performers. “Ultimately, results are what separates fad from something experts are going to want to embrace,” says Matt Berenc, the director of education at the Equinox Fitness Training Institute. “We don't want to waste our clients’ time or effort.” In order to ensure something is worthwhile, Berenc and his peers use a three-step evaluation process.

You can use it yourself next time you see something intriguing on your favorite influencer’s feed. But in the meantime, Furthermore partnered with ASICS to uncover the trends that Equinox trainers are living by.


Step 1: Look for evidence. “If there's good, solid science behind it, then it's pretty conclusive that something is legitimate,” says David Harris, vice president of health and human performance at Equinox. Pros will check to see if something has roots in good programming principles that underscore training and results. Take the ViPR, created by Equinox Health Advisory Board member Michol Dalcourt: it doesn’t promise infomercial-esque flat abs fast—it requires athletes to work their bodies in multiple dimensions with weight, as they would in day-to-day life, which does give them a core-taxing, total-body workout but in a science-backed way. 

Step 2: Beware overpromises.  However, oftentimes the trends and innovations happen before research has a chance to validate them. In that case, Berenc looks at what results it promises, in what time frame, and at what expense or need. “I am looking to see if the claims are logical or if it may be guaranteeing too much,” he says. For example, in the case of a workout program, there are very few things that can deliver strength, power, endurance, mobility, and core training. “Most quality programs will focus in on one, maybe two, key deliverables as the point of focus,” says Berenc. Whether it’s a new supplement, exercise tool, or program that purports it can do everything and then some, be cautious. “Intuition can be a strong tool in evaluating what works, or at least works for you,” says Berenc.

Step 3: Try it. “Most importantly, I evaluate through experiencing,” says Berenc. “Sometimes you need to give whatever it is a try for yourself so you can speak from as informed a point of view as possible.” Before you start to pick it apart or post about it, it's best to go through the new warm-up technique, try the innovative piece of equipment, or sample the trending ingredient yourself. “You really have to make things individual and see what works for you—just don't get on a bandwagon,” agrees Harris. 

More June 2018