3 ways to eat well and save time

These easy tricks will help you meet your wellness goals.

Maintaining a nutritious diet isn't always easy when you have a packed schedule, but preparation can be the difference between falling off track and staying focused. Turn to these three strategies and you’ll always fuel busy days healthfully.

1. Build in time for a list.

Writing out a detailed shopping list (like this one for a week of Asian-inspired lunches) keeps your meals disciplined and delicious. All you need is five to 10 minutes to plan ahead and make trips to the grocery store more efficient.

2. Try a subscription service.

If you find yourself scant on vegetables mid-week, sign up for a produce delivery program like Farmbox Direct. Each box contains USDA-certified organic, locally sourced fruits and vegetables. The company also offers an option for morning juices.

3. Buy ready-made ingredients.

Fast food gets a new meaning when you opt for store-bought vegetable noodles (try zucchini, butternut squash, and beet versions) or pre-sliced produce. You can also purchase items from the olive bar such as capers or marinated carrots to elevate quick no-cook dishes.

More June 2018