How to have more sex

Just add this into your diet.


Couples who eat seafood together twice a week have sex just as often, while those whose diets are lighter in seafood have sex an average of 1.5 times per week, according to new research from Harvard. Those who ate more seafood were also more fertile and got pregnant more quickly.


People have always considered shellfish, like the infamous oyster, to be aphrodisiacs because of their high zinc content, says study author Audrey Gaskins, Sc.D., a research associate at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston. Studies have linked the nutrient to increased testosterone levels, which is linked to better sexual function.

But Gaskins and her team didn’t measure zinc intake in their study. Since it’s also in many non-seafoods, they don’t feel confident that the nutrient is the sole reason for their findings. Instead, they propose this: “Couples who consume more seafood together might share more meals, and thus more time, with each other, including nights,” she explains. “This might be a behavioral explanation for the association.”


Eating two servings of low-mercury seafood (like shrimp, scallops, tilapia, and wild salmon) with your partner each week could lead to a busier sex life. Gaskins adds that eating more than two servings per week could have an even stronger effect.

More June 2018