5 books high performers should read this month

Featuring yoga science and a “clean enough” eating guide

The book: Team Human

The gist: Digital theorist Douglas Rushkoff has been named one of the world’s ten most influential intellectuals by MIT. In his new book, he offers a sweeping treatise on what he considers the ills of the current age, including digital networks that have gone from “promoting social bonds to destroying them.” Presented in 100 thought-provoking passages, Team Human provides a rallying call for how to reconnect and live life as a “team sport” for greater happiness, productivity, and peace.


The book: Inheritance

The gist: On nothing more than a lark, novelist Dani Shapiro sent away for a DNA analysis—a move that would upend her life in extraordinary ways, shattering her sense of belonging and revealing a deeply buried secret. Inheritance is simultaneously a fact-finding mission, family memoir, and exploration of identity.


The book: Clean Enough

The gist: In her first book, Equinox’s director of food and beverage lays out her “clean enough” philosophy, a forgiving and accessible approach towards healthful eating developed during her journey from pastry maven (she trained at Spago) to certified health coach. Expect more than 100 vegetarian recipes that aren’t “too green and too clean,” including a vibrant and colorful bibimbap, coconut oil crispy rice, and an entire chapter devoted to meringues.


The book: Sicker, Fatter, Poorer

The gist: In his first book, Leonardo Trasande, a pediatrician, professor, and children’s environmental health researcher at NYU Langone, presents a startling snapshot of kids in a New York City playground in 1962 compared with a similar imagined scene in 2019. The kids of today are bigger and heavier, and would suffer more from autism, learning disabilities, and a host of other health problems. The cause, posits Trasande, are the hormone-disrupting chemicals that lurk in our homes, food supply, and environment. In this exhaustively-researched book, Trasande explores the chemicals and outlines the safe, simple steps everyone can do to limit their exposure and harm.


The book: Science of Yoga

The gist: Ann Swanson, an integrative health educator, offers a deep dive into the benefits of yoga. She provides an overall look at how the practice can aid the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. With the help of descriptive illustrations, she also demystifies 30 popular yoga poses, guiding readers through the physiological effects each pose has on muscles, joints, and blood flow.


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