My healthy: Mark Bittman

The cookbook author on his go-to snacks, soap, and running podcasts

Though he’s the acclaimed author of the How to Cook Everything series and the forthcoming Dinner for Everyone, Mark Bittman’s approach to food extends beyond flavors and recipes. Throughout a career that has spanned many forms of media—he was a New York Times columnist and the star of four television shows—he has explored the environmental and health implications of the way we eat, recommending a diet that he calls “part-time veganism.” With new forays into the worlds of podcasts and online newsletters, Bittman has even more on his proverbial plate. Here, his picks for staying fit, full, and balanced:

Floris Cefiro soap

“This soap is a ridiculous extravagance I discovered at a London hotel about 20 years ago, but it’s the way soap should be.”


Teddie natural super chunky peanut butter

“I eat peanut butter at least once a day. The requirements are that it has to be chunky and contain only two ingredients: peanuts and salt.”


Nordic naturals omega-3 supplement

“Generally I’m down on supplements, but almost no one in this country gets enough omega-3 fatty acids. Now that they’re made from algae, you don’t have to kill fish in order to get your dose.”


Dried beans

“Beans, simply put, are the world’s most valuable protein source. I say this as a non-vegan: I love beans. We should all be relying primarily on them, and seeing meat and fish as the alternatives, not the other way around. If you’re not convinced, try the Creamy White Bean Pasta and Cauliflower from my new book; you will be."

Perform Better resistance bands

“I have to say, I’ve come to love my blue band. Someday, maybe I can move up to black.”


The Rewatchables podcast

“I listen to podcasts while running. I’ve gone through my music stage, and I’ve gone through my audiobook stage—now I just listen to podcasts. I particularly like this one."


Hop on Pop

“This Dr. Seuss book created a game that I first played with my kids and now (a little more winded) do with my grandson. Pretty aerobic—I swear.”


Lodge 2 quart cast iron serving pot

“If I had to give up everything in my kitchen, this would be among the last things I parted with. I make awesome, no-knead, 100 percent whole-wheat bread, and part of the credit goes to the pot.”



“I try to leave a bowl on the counter all the time. If they're there, you'll eat them, and you’ll never be sorry you did.”

More February 2019