Yoga blocks: foam vs cork

Each has unique benefits.


Strategically incorporating cork and foam yoga blocks into your routine can further your practice.


Cork varieties provide more lift and support because they’re heavier and more durable, says Ariel Kiley, a yoga instructor at Equinox locations in New York City. If you feel tight, placing one under your hand in a pose such as Half Moon allows you to reach full expression while touching a surface that’s firm enough to ground you.

Foam blocks are lighter and softer, making them great for initiating micro-contractions. Put one in between your thighs during Bridge or Camel, for example, to engage the inner-thigh muscles without added weight.


Use foam blocks when you need them to help activate a particular muscle or when you’re holding a restorative posture for several minutes. If you’re using the tool for stability, opt for cork.

More March 2019