Weatherproof your skincare

You need different products as the seasons change.


Because your face is constantly exposed to the elements, your skincare routine should change with the weather.


In the winter, you need hydration in the form of hyaluronic acid plus emollients, which coat your skin with a thin, oily film to seal in moisture, says Zakia Rahman, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at Stanford University in California. Try this lotion from La Mer. If nothing else, apply a hydrating mask once a week, adds Sarah Garland, senior manager of planning for EQX Body Lab in New York City.

As temperatures rise, opt for a lighter gel moisturizer, which keeps skin from getting too oily. Another summer tip from Garland: The more time you spend outdoors, the more important it is to use products with vitamin A and exfoliating acids (like salicylic, glycolic, and lactic washes) at night only. These ingredients encourage cell turnover for healthy, glowing skin, but the new cells are more vulnerable to sun damage.


Even though certain parts of your skin routine depend on the weather, one thing should stay consistent year-round: Always lather on SPF before you head outside.

Photo: Yulia Gorbachenko/Art Partner Licensing

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