Yin yoga as acupuncture

A regular practice will help you excel in any other physical pursuit.

Consistently getting on your yoga mat can improve flexibility and leave you feeling physically and mentally refreshed. But a particular type of practice called Yin yoga can offer athletes more than just a calmer mind and a good stretch. Experts say that Yin poses can work like acupuncture, opening up energy flow and releasing tightness deep in the body.

“In acupuncture we insert needles in points we think there is tension or blocked energy,” says Deborah Stotzky, MS, founder and acupuncturist of Holistico Wellness + Beauty in New York City. These points typically lie on a network of pathways, called meridians, which also correspond to specific organs. Opening up energy flows helps organs perform their functions optimally, Stotzky adds. Unblocking the kidney meridian, for example, can hike up energy and also release fear and anxiety.

“Yin yoga is like acupuncture without needles,” she adds. “Similar to acupuncture, the poses open up the meridians.” It works like this: In Yin yoga, you’ll hold poses for longer than you would in a typical Vinyasa class—at least five minutes—stretching and releasing the body’s connective tissue, specifically around the hips, pelvis, and low back (the densest area of connective tissue in the body). “It’s thought that the meridians lay within the connective tissue, so by lengthening it, you stimulate any blocked or stagnated energy and allow it to flow,” says KayKay Clivio, senior manager of yoga experience at Equinox and creator of Equinox's Yin Yoga Meditation class, on schedules now.

Athletes can expect big benefits: “After a Yin yoga session, you go back to training with more space in both the body and mind,” says Stotzky. “This allows you to really excel in whatever physical activity you are doing, whether it’s weightlifting, running, or other types of yoga.”

Ahead, four Yin yoga poses that are great for all levels of yogis. Aim to hold each pose for at least five minutes or longer (on both sides when applicable) to release connective tissue, get a deep stretch, and get energy flowing. Do them individually or as a sequence.

Butterfly pose

The benefits: This shape stimulates the bladder and liver meridians, triggering blood flow and releasing negative emotions like anger and resentment. “It also helps decompress the spine, stretches the hip abductors, and opens the fascia that runs from the sacrum to the back of the neck,” says Clivio, which is especially helpful for runners and people who spend long hours sitting at a desk.

To get into it: Start in seated position, with soles of feet together and heels about 14 inches away from pelvis. Place your hands a prayer position at your chest (pictured). Then, bring your forehead toward the arches of the feet, rounding the spine, and bringing your arms straight out in front of your legs to a completely relaxed position. Place a block or two under the forehead to support it if your head doesn’t touch your feet.

Sleeping Swan (Pigeon) pose

The benefits: The external rotation of the front hip stimulates the gallbladder and liver meridians, which are channels associated with decision-making and long-term planning. This pose is a vigorous way to open the hips, allowing gravity to do the work. It also provides a nice stretch for the quads and hip flexors, says Clivio.

To get into it: Start in downward facing dog. Lift left leg up and then bring all the way forward, so that the left knee could touch the back of the left wrist. (Your shin doesn’t need to be parallel but be sure to square off your hips). Make sure your right leg is directly behind your right hip. Place one hand on your left knee, the other at your heart center (pictured). Then, place a blanket under the left glute if there is space between it and the floor. Fold forward either onto a bolster, block, or floor and completely relax the entire body. Repeat on the left side in the same way but be mindful of what this side needs—the left might tell a different story than the right, so you might need different props to set yourself up, Clivio notes.

Square pose

The Benefits: In addition to liver, bladder, and gallbladder meridian stimulation, this pose hits the kidney meridian, which helps to release anxiety and fear. “This is a very deep opening of the hips through strong external rotation and by folding forward, you’ll decompress the low back,” says Clivio.

To get into it: From seated position bring one of your shins parallel to the top of the mat. Then stack the opposite shin on top, aligning the ankle to the knee. If this is not possible straighten the bottom leg out, keeping the top shin parallel to top of mat. If you are able to, slowly fold forward, with arms in a relaxed position in front of the legs, throughout the hold. To come out, slowly straighten both legs out in front, shake them out for a moment and repeat on the other side.

Shoelace (Cow Face) pose

The Benefits: Stimulates urinary, kidney, liver, and gallbladder meridians. “Stimulation of the urinary meridian switches the autonomous nervous system over to the restful, restorative parasympathetic mode,” Clivio explains. “Physically, this pose will give you a deep stretch of the hips and targets the glutes,” says Clivio.

To get into it: From tabletop position slide the left knee forward to at a 45-degree angle, slide the right knee in under the left knee, snuggled in tightly together. Use a blanket between the lower legs if this feels too intense. Keep your feet in back of you wide enough for you to sit back between the heels. If hips are too tight to sit directly on the floor between the heels use a block(s) or a blanket to elevate the seat. Place hands in prayer at center of chest (pictured). Then, slowly fold forward, with arms relaxed in front of you (or use Eagle arms or Cow Face arms bind for more intensity in the upper body). To release, unfold the legs out in front of you, take a down dog for a few breaths to come to neutral and set up second side.

More April 2019