Q&A: Kate Young

The celebrity stylist on collaborating with Equinox Hotels

“Cool, but not too uptight, a little bit sport, with a touch of sci-fi movie Gattaca.” That’s how celebrity stylist and creative consultant Kate Young describes the Equinox Hotel uniforms she helped bring to life in collaboration with Lady & Butler, a bespoke uniform design company. 

When you enter the hotel, which opens this July in New York City’s Hudson Yards, you’ll be greeted by a bellman dressed in a blazer-hooded sweatshirt hybrid and sleek cropped trousers—an uptown-meets-downtown look that could be a part of your own daily streetwear. Off-white colored suits look chic on front desk staff, minimalist jumpsuits give engineers (who are capable of fixing anything and everything) a stylish edge, and Spa therapists, in technical stretch fabrics, may be mistaken for airy, elegant ballerinas.

“I can’t wait to stay there,” says Young, who recently sat down to chat with Furthermore. Here, she opens up about her own approach to wellness, her workout style (it’s surprisingly “not super stylish”), and how she takes her (large quantities of) coffee.

This interview has been edited and condensed for publication.

More July 2019