The minibar, reinvented.

Equinox Hotels’s amenities kit features more than 70 products.

Hotel minibars generally evoke depressing visions of doll-sized liquor bottles and nutritionally-void food. But Equinox Hotels is changing the game with an elevated take: a painstakingly-selected array of amenities known as RoomBar. The 70+ items include health-forward snacks (think: superfood detox bites), craft cocktail provisions, and high-performance beverages and supplements like seawater elixirs, resistance bands, and exclusive Equinox Hotels x Rhone workout apparel.

Furthermore talked to Ara Dalzell-Patterson, vice president of food and beverage for Equinox Hotels, about the offerings.

High-performance items

“RoomBar’s EQX Regenerative Tool Kit provides guests with the ultimate tools to wake up, work out, unwind, and regenerate. We include gear like resistance bands and yoga blocks along with tonics, teas, and blends like the Torii Awake, with adaptogenic herbs, Magnesium Ease spray from the Nue Co. Sleep Kit, and Power Down tea with chamomile, valerian, and lavender.” 

Next-level gummy bears

“We’re featuring HunnyBon vegan organic gummy bears in our snack selection. Gummy bears are one of the most popular items in a minibar, so we wanted to provide ones that were as good for you as possible.” 

Proprietary dried fruit

“We highlight natural products like Equinox Hotels’ own blend of organic fruits from Erewhon Market.”

Unexpected ingredients

“In the High-Performance section of the menu, we’re offering Quinton Hypertonic elixir. It’s made of seawater minerals which support cell renewal and contribute to normal muscle and digestive function.” 

Jet lag fighters

“For guests arriving from overseas, we recommend Stamba travel (vegan capsules with superfood ingredients, like cacao reishi and açaí, that combat jet lag.)” 

Photography by Jenny Huang

More July 2019