Why athletes are prone to body acne

Breakouts on your chest, back, and glutes require a unique skin-care game plan.

While body acne can happen to anyone, athletes are even more susceptible to the skin condition. “I regularly see acne develop on the back, chest, buttocks, and thighs of athletes,” says Chicago-based dermatologist Jordan Carqueville, MD. 

There are a few key factors that make athletes more vulnerable to breakouts, including hormones. “Athletes with greater muscle mass tend to have higher testosterone levels—both women and men—which can contribute to acne on the chest, neck, and back,” Carqueville explains. Diet may also play a role. “Supplementing with protein powder shakes with whey, a milk protein that may increase insulin-like growth factors, can cause inflammation and sebum, and ultimately acne,” says Carqueville. 

Sweat is also a significant factor. “When we sweat, our bodies are purging water, salt, ammonia, and urea, which is great for the skin. But leaving sweat on the skin can clog pores, and any toxins or chemicals that the body purges can be reabsorbed,” says Leah Gilmore, senior manager of operations for The Spa and EQX Body Lab in New York City.

Simply put: “Sweat, combined with dirt and oil that accumulates on the skin, can clog the pores and cause acne breakouts if you don’t cleanse well after your workout,” explains New York City-based dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of Cosmetic & Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital.

That’s why dermatologists and estheticians agree that your first line of defense should be to remove sweaty clothing immediately after a workout and rinse the dirt, oil, and sweat off the body. Focus on washing high-friction areas, like the band of your sports bra, and be sure to keep your cleansing method gentle post-workout. The increased blood flow to the surface of the skin can make skin more sensitive, and scalding hot water or harsh rubbing can make acne more inflamed, Gilmore adds. 

Here, how to target breakouts on every part of your body:


Think of this sensitive skin as an extension of your face, and skip more intense soaps or body washes you might use elsewhere in favor of your face products, says Gilmore. 

Try: “I recommend a cleanser like SkinCeuticals LHA Cleansing Gel, which contains glycolic and salicylic acids to exfoliate skin and decongest the pores, reducing breakouts,” says Kate Roach, regional spa manager at Equinox in New York City.

Glutes and thighs:

Your choice of workout clothes can lead to new breakouts and exacerbate existing ones. “I’ve seen an epidemic of the ‘yoga pant acne’—which is when tight pants occlude the skin and cause pimples to develop on the buttocks and posterior thighs,” Carqueville says. Mitigate this by removing your leggings immediately after exercise.

Try: Alternate between a benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid body wash every other day in the shower, Carqueville advises. The benzoyl peroxide will kill acne-causing bacteria, while the salicylic acid will reduce oil and buildup clogging the pores. Try Murad Body Wash, which contains salicylic acid along with green tea and licorice root extracts to soothe inflamed skin. 


In addition to washing with the same benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid body wash, Gilmore suggests using an exfoliating wash cloth, since the back contains very deep pores that hold more oil and sebum. (Skip the loofah, since it can trap water and grow bacteria, which can lead to more breakouts.) “Gently exfoliating the skin regularly helps to remove build up of dead skin cells," she says.

Try: Since the area in question can be difficult to treat, regular trips to an esthetician can be especially helpful. Gilmore recommends the Cleansing Back Facial at The Spa, which includes a deep cleanse and exfoliation, as well as extractions of black and whiteheads on the whole area of the back, followed by a treatment mask to further clarify. Microdermabrasion, an exfoliating treatment that removes dead skin cells with micro-crystals, can also help.  (These services are offered at most Equinox Spa and EQX Body Lab locations.)

More September 2019