The flexibility and mobility routine

Do it in the late morning or after you lift.

"When I step back from my traditional fitness schedule for celebrations and family get-togethers, I end up feeling cranky and stiff," says Kyle Suib, group fitness instructor at locations in Washington, D.C. "I have found that focusing on stretching and staying mobile not only makes me feel better, but also makes it easier to return to my regular workout routine after the holidays."

The 10-minute workout below is one of his go-tos when he's limited to at-home sessions. It increases both flexibility and mobility. 

Perform each exercise superset 3 times, pausing at your end range of motion for 10 seconds during every rep of the weighted moves. Rest for 30 seconds between supersets and complete 2 rounds. Do it as often as every day, in the late morning or after a heavy lifting routine. 

Set A:

Elevated Jefferson curl

Stand tall on a box or stair, holding a heavy dumbbell in both hands in front of your quads. Slowly roll forward one vertebra at a time, keeping your arms extended down and lowering the dumbbell towards your feet (and past them, if you have the flexibility). Hold at your lowest point for 10 seconds, then slowly roll up to start for one rep. Complete 5 reps.

Leg raise 

Lie faceup with arms resting by your sides and legs extended. With your lower back pressed into the floor and core engaged, raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Pause, then return to start for one rep. Complete 5 reps, keeping legs straight throughout.

Set B:

Dumbbell windmill

Stand with feet at shoulder-width, left arm by your side, and right arm pressed overhead holding a dumbbell. Look up at the dumbbell and hinge at the hips until your left hand reaches your left foot. (You should feel rotation through your spine.) You can bend at the left knee, but keep the right leg straight throughout. Hold here for 10 seconds, then reverse the motion to return to start for one rep. Complete 5 reps, then switch sides and repeat.


Lie faceup with arms and legs extended on the floor. Simultaneously raise your legs and lift your torso, reaching your fingers toward your toes, then slowly return to start for one rep. Complete 10 reps, keeping arms and legs as straight as possible throughout.

Straddle pancake good morning

Sit on the floor with legs wide and hands behind your head, elbows pointing forward. Lean forward from the hips, keeping your back as straight as possible, until your elbows touch the ground between your legs. Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly return to start for one rep. Complete 5 reps.

Set C:


Lie facedown with arms and legs extended on the floor. Simultaneously lift arms, head, shoulders, and legs off the floor, engaging the posterior chain. (Only your midsection should be in contact with the floor at the highest point.) Slowly return to start for one rep. Complete 10 reps.

More November 2019