The postural strength routine

These supersets also improve mobility and increase calorie burn.

“This simple workout can be done in your hotel room with just a medium-resistance looped band,” says David Rochefort, Tier 3+ trainer at South Beach in Miami Beach. “It consists of posture-specific mobility moves and full-body strength exercises and is executed in a superset format to increase calorie burn.” Read the workout descriptions below, then watch Rochefort demo them.

Toe touch squat with alternating reach

Stand tall with feet wider than shoulders. Keeping your legs straight, lean forward and grip your left toes with your left hand and your right toes with your right hand. Squat down with your knees to the outside of each arm. At the bottom of the squat, release your left toes and reach your left arm overhead, then do the same on the right side. With both arms overhead, stand tall for one rep. Perform 2 sets of 10 reps.

Quadruped thoracic rotation

Start on all fours with shoulders stacked over wrists and hips over knees. Place your left hand on the back of your head with your elbow pointing to the left. This is your start position. Rotating through the spine, draw your left elbow down and to the right, as if doing a side crunch. Then, draw your left elbow out and up, ending with your elbow higher than your shoulder. Return to start for one rep. Perform 2 sets of 10 reps per side.

Rest for 30 seconds.

Banded Romanian deadlift

Stand tall with feet at hip-width and the ends of a long, looped resistance band under each foot, so that you’re stepping on the band. Hinge at the hips and, with a slight bend in the knees, grab the center of the band with both hands, keeping your arms extended straight down. This is your start position. Drive through the hips and straighten the knees to stand tall, pulling the band up to hip-height as you do so. Slowly return to start for one rep. Perform 4 sets of 15 reps.


Start in a high plank with feet together and shoulders stacked over wrists. Maintaining a straight line from head to feet, lower until your elbows are bent at 90 degrees, keeping triceps close to your sides throughout. Return to start for one rep. Perform 4 sets of 10 reps.

Rest for 30 seconds.

Split squat with upper chop

Stand with the left foot forward, right foot back, holding a resistance band with both hands at about shoulder-width along your right side and palms facing you. (Your right arm should be slightly behind you and your left, slightly in front of you.) Simultaneously lower into a lunge and bring the band up diagonally in front of you, ending with the right arm extended straight in front of you. Slowly return to start for one rep. Complete 4 sets of 15 reps per side.

Banded glute bridge

Lie on your back with knees bent and both feet planted on the floor. Loop the ends of a long, looped resistance band under each foot so that you’re stepping on the band, then secure the middle of the band over your legs, just above your knees. Drive your hips up, engaging the glutes, then return to start for one rep. Perform 4 sets of 15 reps.

Half-kneeling banded row

Loop a long resistance band around an anchor point just above the ground. Assume a half-kneeling position with the right knee down and the left foot planted. Hold one end of the band in each hand with arms extended in front of you. (Make sure you’re far enough that the band is taught.) Row the band toward your chest, then return to start for one rep. Perform 4 sets of 25 reps, switching sides with every set.

Rest for 30 seconds.

Mobility flow

Start in high plank, then step your left foot to the outside of your left hand. Lower onto your left forearm, then, in one fluid arc, extend your left arm forward, overhead, and behind you. Reverse the motion to return to start, then press up into Downward Dog and lift your left leg as high as you can, bending at the knee. Reverse the motion to return to high plank. That’s one rep. Perform 2 sets of 5 reps per side. 

Dead bug

Lie face-up with arms extended toward ceiling and knees bent at 90 degrees. Keeping shoulders down, feet flexed, and low back pressed into the floor, extend the right arm and left leg so they’re both parallel to the floor. Return to start and repeat on the other side for one rep. Continue, alternating sides. Perform 2 sets of 5 reps.

Positional belly breathing

Lie on your back with your legs elevated on a chair or bench with knees bent at 90 degrees. Place your hands on your belly and breathe deeply into your diaphragm, feeling the rise and fall with each breath. Continue for 2 minutes.

More November 2019