Your healthy weeknight meal plan

Braised chicken, steak salad, and kimchi stew

This is part of our Meal Plan initiative, where we curate five enticing, nutritious recipes to streamline your weeknight dinners. We provide prep tips, shopping lists that minimize waste, and ideas for leftovers. With sustainability in mind, we're featuring meatless Mondays.

Building complex flavors doesn't need to take lots of time or ingredients. The proof is in this week's recipe lineup. We're pairing kimchi and tofu with root vegetables in a comforting soup on Monday, and embracing sweet with savory in Tuesday's steak salad with cherries and arugula. Green olives add brininess to Wednesday's braised chicken and Thursday's shrimp and fennel salad. On Friday, bring kimchi back for a slaw that's served alongside roasted salmon and vegetables.

Lunch plan: Bring leftovers on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Buy in bulk: You'll use olives, ginger, garlic, lemons, scallions, kimchi, and carrots multiple times.

Prep tips: On Monday, grate ginger and thinly slice a bunch of scallions to use that night and on Friday. Buy pre-pitted green olives or pit them all at once on Wednesday.

More November 2019