Try it: apple flour

It’s gluten-free and high in fiber.

The gist:

As alternative flours continue to trend, the latest gluten-free, high-fiber option on the market is apple flour.

Expert insight:

A quarter-cup serving contains 14 fewer calories and three times more fiber compared to all-purpose flour. “The soluble fiber from apples is great for satiety and supporting good gut bacteria, which can strengthen the immune system,” says Libby Mills, MS, RDN, a Philadelphia-based spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Since apple flour is made from the dehydrated fruit, it will retain some phytonutrients, which can act as antioxidants, Mills adds. While it is higher in sugar than standard flours are, its natural sweetness allows you to add less sugar to baked goods, she notes.

The bottom line:

Buy apple flour at your local health food store or online, or make your own by dehydrating the fruit and blending it into a fine powder. Use a one-to-one ratio for recipes that call for all-purpose flour or add a tablespoon to your morning smoothie or oatmeal for sweetness, Mills says.

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