Every body needs Choreo Cult

Joy and movement collide in Equinox's latest group fitness offering.

“The news cycle continues to tell us the story that we’re divided and in conflict,” says Keith Irace, vice president of group fitness for Equinox in New York City.

That makes Equinox's latest offering, Choreo Cult, more relevant than ever. “It provides a place of unadulterated joy that feels like a great escape," he says. "There’s no way you will walk out of this class without a smile.”

Even within a serious, focused workout regimen, it's crucial to complement structured sessions with ones that provide an emotional release. 

That's where Choreo Cult fits into your routine. In each class, you'll learn choreography that allows for creative freedom and gets you moving across the floor in large sweeping motions. Toning and athletic drills are sprinkled throughout for a well-rounded session.

“Choreo Cult nods to dance cardio of the past while giving it a modern spin,” says Kari McKillip, group fitness instructor in New York City who was heavily involved in development. “You’ll see movements that are familiar to you with an added twist.”

The unique programming will raise your heart rate, burn fat, improve your coordination and rhythm, and keep your brain engaged as you try to recall combinations and match your footwork to the beat.

Here, three more benefits you’ll get from Choreo Cult.

More January 2020