The arts-longevity link

The more you engage, the longer you'll live.

The science:

For a newly released study, researchers followed thousands of adults ages 50 and over for 14 years to find out if there's a link between arts engagement and longevity.

The results show that partaking up to twice a year or every few months is linked to a 14 or 31 percent reduced risk of death, respectively, during the follow-up period.

Expert insight:

Engaging in the arts is associated with a robust social life, high sense of purpose, and low risks of depression and cognitive decline, says study author Daisy Fancourt, Ph.D., associate professor of psychobiology and epidemiology at University College London in England. All four elements are linked with a longer life.

On top of that, going to plays, museums, concerts, and galleries may have stress-buffering effects, she adds.

The bottom line:

Don't wait until you’re 50 to pick up cultural activities. The more you engage, the bigger the benefits are, Fancourt says.

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