Travel Report: Winter 2020

A must-visit city and fitness event worth the trip

Welcome to Travel Report, a seasonal collaboration between Furthermore and Equinox Explore. Four times a year, the Explore team will curate the intel you need to plan a getaway, cultural knowledge to drop at dinner parties, and more. Here, our first iteration.

Urban city to visit: Ottawa, Canada 

“The Canadian capital is home to the largest naturally-frozen skating rink in the world. Along the skateway, a 7.8-kilometer stretch of frozen canal in the city center,  you’ll find stands offering soup, hot chocolate, and other treats to keep you cozy and warm.” -Leah Howe, senior director of Equinox Explore


Transformative travel book: Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck

“Winter is a great time to curl up with a travel classic. So grab your favorite wool throw, make a pot of ginger tea, and depart for adventure.” -Howe


Fitness event worth a trip: Antarctica Marathon

“This is an unforgettable race that will get runners one continent closer to becoming a member of the 7 Continents Club. If this is too far to travel, Equinox Explore has other active adventures a little closer to home.” - Howe


Travel gear must-have: Davek Mini Compact Umbrella

“Function meets fashion with this packable umbrella. Buy one now and see if you can keep dry for all 12 months of 2020 without forgetting it in a cab (or onboard the Gulfstream..).” -Howe


Must-know travel intel: Chúc mừng năm mới (“Happy New Year” in Vietnamese)

“A great time to visit Vietnam is December through February when temperatures are milder and rain is minimal. This year the Vietnamese will celebrate Tết (Vietnamese New Year) on January 25. Everyone gives "lucky money", which is 20 bucks you divide up into tiny red envelopes. You give them out (holding the envelope with both hands) to all you encounter. I brought a stack of $2 bills from the US once.” - Howe

Global dish to order or cook: Lenticchie

“Italians eat lentils on New Year's for wealth and prosperity in part because the flat legumes were believed to resemble Roman coins. Though delicious vegetarian options abound, the Italians traditionally simmer these with a large pork sausage called cotechino.” - Howe 

Rural place to visit: Telluride, Colorado

“From steep glades and chutes to plenty of greens, the unmatched variety of terrain appeals to skiers of all levels. Telluride is composed of an old mining town and Mountain Village which are connected by a gondola that runs until midnight. Between the unbeatable views, rich restaurant scene, and lively pubs and saloons this western town is the ultimate winter escape both on and off the slopes.” - Remy Dikeou, senior manager of Equinox Explore


Thumbs up to: EasyJet for going carbon-neutral

“It’s important to think sustainably and act responsibly when traveling, something we always do when curating trips for Explore. We’re impressed by EasyJet, the first major airline in the world to operate net zero carbon flights.” - Howe



More January 2020