5 books high performers should read this month

Including the science of running and a memoir of opioid addiction

Being up to date on all things health and wellness is social and cultural currency these days. And while quick-hit news bites are great, in-depth reads are still a worthy pursuit. Many non-fiction books come out every month, though, and it can feel overwhelming to cut through the clutter. That’s why we started the Furthermore book club. Here, our picks for February.

The book: Whiskey Master Class

By: Lew Bryson

The gist: Lew Bryson, a former managing editor of Whisky Advocate, takes a deep dive into the world of whiskey. He walks the reader through not only different varieties, but also key ingredients, distillation methods, and the importance of barrel char. Interviews with master distillers and artisans from around the world supplement Bryson's insights. 


The book: The World Beneath Their Feet

By: Scott Ellsworth

The gist: Roughly three decades before the race to the moon, contingents from Great Britain, Germany, and the United States competed to summit the Himalayas. Scott Ellsworth, a recent winner of the PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing, details the colorful characters and the unimaginable circumstances (virtually no decent maps or photographs) of one of the grittiest, most fascinating true-adventure stories of the 20th century.


The book: Food Fix

By: Mark Hyman, MD

The gist: In his latest book, functional medicine doctor Mark Hyman, MD, presents a startling fact: “Our industrial agricultural and food system (including food waste) is the single biggest cause of climate change, exceeding all use of fossil fuels.” Hyman connects the dots on how what we eat can have extraordinary implications on the health of society and the world at large. He also shares ways readers can enact real change, starting with what’s on their plate.


The book: Science of Running

By: Chris Napier

The gist: A professor of physical therapy at the University of British Columbia and practicing physiotherapist, Chris Napier also has a marathon personal best of two hours and 33 minutes. Here, he provides tips on running gait and delves into the science of nutrition and hydration.


The book: As Needed for Pain

By: Dan Peres

The gist: Dan Peres was first prescribed Vicodin after a back injury and two surgeries. Taking that initial pill, the former Details editor in chief writes, “felt like I’d been wrapped in an electric blanket.” In his memoir, Peres candidly explores America's current crisis through his own opioid addiction, which reached 60 pills a day during its worst point.


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