Your healthy weeknight meal plan

Roast broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other seasonal produce

This is part of our Meal Plan initiative, where we curate five enticing, nutritious recipes to streamline your weeknight dinners. We provide prep tips, shopping lists that minimize waste, and ideas for leftovers. With sustainability in mind, we're featuring meatless Mondays.

Although winter isn't considered a prime moment for produce, there are still plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables to be celebrated⁠—as evidenced by this week's recipes. On Monday, roasted broccoli stars in a vegan udon bowl, while Tuesday's Brussels sprouts are elevated with savory bacon and apples. You'll save time on Wednesday by using rotisserie chicken for no-bake enchiladas. Brussels sprouts make a return on Thursday, this time as a pizza topping. Finish the week with a simple yet filling chicken and sweet potato dish.

Lunch plan: You'll have enough leftovers to bring lunch on Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Buy in bulk: You'll use Brussels sprouts, red onion, and rotisserie chicken multiple times this week.

Prep tips: Shred the meat from the entire rotisserie chicken on Wednesday and use extra with Friday's sweet potatoes. Take the pizza dough out of the fridge in the morning on Thursday so it's ready to use when you get home.

More February 2020