3 habits to boost your brain health

A journalist on NEAT, thermal exercise, and digital detoxes

When Max Lugavere’s mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s before turning 60, the journalist used his research skills to try to figure out what went wrong. He eventually compiled his findings into a book, Genius Foods, a guide for brain health which primarily focused on how diet can shape the body’s main hard drive.

But Lugavere didn’t stop there. “I realized that nutrition was just one part of the story,” he says. “If you’re not tending to other areas of your lifestyle, like stress or movement, you’re missing a huge opportunity.” Whereas his first book was a nutrition handbook for the brain, the sequel, The Genius Life, “is more like a care manual for the body,” he says. The new book distills the latest science into actionable steps that readers can take to enhance their wellbeing. Ahead, some of the most important things he learned while writing it.

More March 2020