Fit Tech: 3D Body Mapping With Tier X Coach, Lauren Saint-Louis

It’s no secret that data can be a major incentive when it comes to reaching your goals and staying meditated. But not all fitness tech is worth investing your time, money, and attention in. 

One tool that provides customized, useful data is 3D body mapping. Not only is it useful for capturing where you are at the beginning of a fitness program, it can also provide data that could point to potential health issues or risk factors. Equinox Hudson Yards Tier X Coach Lauren Saint-Louis breaks down what you need to know about 3D mapping below.

Q: What is 3D body mapping and how is it used at Equinox?

Body mapping uses state of the art technology that you can help you understand your fitness level and health status. It’s conducted in the initial assessment and is reassessed at appropriate intervals. 3D body mapping is a measurement and breakdown of your body composition, which includes body fat percentage, muscle mass, fat mass, visceral fat levels (the fat located around your internal organs), estimated basal metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest) and total body water hydration. It's cutting edge because you can see what metrics are changing over time in relation to your training program. It’s used at Equinox to help us as Coaches design appropriate programs that relate to the member’s goals.

In short: it’s a smarter way to track your baseline, keep tabs on progress, and reach your goals more efficiently.

Q: Is body composition important for things other than tracking fat percentage or muscle mass?

Body composition is important to track because it goes beyond just how much body fat or muscle you have.  A healthy body composition will indicate your decreased risk of common medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or vice versa.  If you are someone who holds fat in certain areas on the body, but is losing fat everywhere else, that can also be a suggestion of potential hormonal imbalances to further look into with the help of a medical professional. In terms of fitness goals, reassessing body composition will keep you accountable to your program, confirm that your training is progressing in the right direction, or let you know if something needs to change.

Q: What is the 3D body mapping body scan like?

The scan itself takes about 1 minute to complete.  After inputting height, age, and account information you step onto the scale which takes your initial body weight. From there you grab the handles on either side of you, standing tall with relaxed shoulders. The machine spins you in a slow circle to get imaging and circumference measurements as well as posture in the upper body and feet.

Once you have the results, you discuss them with your Coach who can help point out key data points and explain any measurements/features you want to learn more about. They will also be able to draw possible parallels between your previous health history and the current data, as well as identify what needs improvement in order to accomplish your current goals moving forward.

Q. How have you used this personally and to what effect?

As a competitive bodybuilder I've used this during my off season to track if certain areas of my body were growing in size and if I was gaining appropriate muscle mass.  When I'm gearing up for a competition, I am looking to see a maintenance of muscle mass but a decrease in body fat mass.  Aside from that, I find value in the body shape rating score (indicator of disease risk) and basal metabolic rate for overall health.

Book a Tier X Assessment to experience 3D body mapping at an Equinox Club. 

More August 2022