The Benefits of Putting Yourself First

People with healthy levels of self-interest tend to be happier, tougher, and less stressed.

The rise of the personal brand has led to newfound levels of self-obsession. While it’s often considered a negative trait (and, certainly, there’s something to be learned from the Greek myth of Narcissus), self-interest can actually be advantageous in the right contexts.

In fact, a 2019 study shows that people who prioritize themselves over all else have lower stress levels and reduced risks of depression. Experts believe the trait may cultivate mental toughness, which builds resiliency, says Kostas Papageorgiou, Ph.D., director of the InteRRaCt Lab at Queen’s University Belfast in England, who authored the research.

Now, that’s not to say that full-blown narcissistic behavior is the way to go. Still more research has linked self-possession with higher levels of the stress hormone known as cortisol. This essentially puts the body in a constant mode of fight or flight, which is not where you want to be. Plus, narcissistic tendencies can be extremely harmful to your relationships.

In short, tread lightly: We’re not aiming for narcissism here. Instead, seek out a level of self-interest that fills your cup so that you can show up fully for the people in your life (including yourself). Below, learn three reasons why a sense of self-interest can be beneficial to your mental health, performance, personal goals, and more.

3 reasons to put yourself first in life, work, and fitness

1. You’re more likely to get ahead 

The reason: The self-interested tend to ooze charm and charisma, helping them emerge as leaders and come across as especially intelligent and creative to strangers, explains Emily Grijalva, Ph.D., an assistant professor of organizational behavior at Washington University in St. Louis. They’re also happy to self-promote—and as societies become more individualistic, that will helps them shine in the right situations, like job interviews.

How to take advantage: Honor the fine line between self-enhancement and arrogance by asking questions. A 2017 study conducted by Harvard psychologists found that dominating a conversation can decrease how liked you are. Asking others about themselves, however, can increase it. With the latter approach, you appear more understanding and thoughtful. 

2. You’re quick to bounce back from failures

The reason: With an elevated sense of self, you’ll likely have an easier time repairing your view of yourself after it’s been bruised by ordinary setbacks, like missing a PR you trained hard to achieve, says David Kealy, Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

How to take advantage: Instead of trying to put up a front every time you fall short on a goal or make a mistake, embrace inevitable dents to your self-image as normal, says Dr. Kealy. Discuss a disappointing race result with a friend or write down other factors (outside of yourself) that could have contributed to your loss or failure. This will help you recognize that setbacks don’t threaten who you are as a person.

3. You go after bigger goals 

The reason: The more positively you think of yourself, the more you think you deserve. Chasing higher standards forces you to face challenges head-on, says Papageorgiou. “Imagining that you can achieve great things might be a good source of inspiration and motivation, as long as this is paired with actual ability, persistence, and willingness to collaborate with others,” adds Dr. Kealy.

How to take advantage: In addition to following a tangible training plan, visualize yourself exceeding your goal—even to an absurd amount. For example, you could picture bench-pressing 50 pounds more than you hope. This kind of inflated yes-I-can self-esteem can improve your chances of success, whatever your goal.

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