Classes To Optimize Flexibility and Movement

It can be easy to forget that exercise isn’t just about the squats, presses, and traditional lifts, but also the fluid and free motions that allow for more balance in the body and mind. Studies have shown that non-linear movement practices like yoga and Tai Chi offer a variety of health benefits, including balance, flexibility and even decreasing inflammation.

The National Institute on Aging emphasizes that training balance and flexibility are just as important for adults as strength and endurance to ensure longevity. Training these qualities also offers a chance to diversify your workouts and escape the monotony of a routine. Training for better hand-eye coordination, flexibility or functionality can take many shapes and forms — exercises can be fast-paced and physically demanding or slow and controlled — and the style of each workout will vary from method to method.

Deciding On Your Training Focus

As with any exercise selection, the most important things to consider before delving into a new training style are the outcomes you’re looking for. Someone who wants to improve their strength in single-leg exercises may look to balance training to hone in on that quality. Those who want to explore a deeper range of motion in their movements might consider focusing on their flexibility.

Similarly, someone who is looking to develop looser joints and improve circulation could look toward dance cardio or boxing for functional movement. NASA Scientists found that “rebounding,” or any sort of training that involves bouncing repeatedly, has myriad benefits at the cellular level, can help with lymphatic drainage and reduce inflammation as well.

Options, Options, Options

The range of classes available at Equinox seem never-ending, but for improving functional strength and flexibility, some of your best options include Barre, Pilates Mat, Vinyasa Yoga, Powerstrike! and The Cut.

Barre and Pilates put an emphasis on the core and alignment, but offers a full-body workout. What’s unique about these methods is that they forge a mind-muscle connection that you won’t always find in traditional strength training.

“Barre targets multiple muscles to work together including the smaller stabilizers, building strength, endurance, postural awareness and tone in the body,” says Erin Gamble, a Barre instructor at Equinox’s Upper Manhattan locations. “You can expect to use every muscle group collectively in each exercise, even when there is a ‘target’ muscle to move.”

Flexibility may go by the wayside in your everyday training, but it’s important not to neglect it. As we age our flexibility diminishes but giving ample attention to the consistency with which we move can change that. Yoga classes at Equinox help improve flexibility but are also filled with other perks for longevity.

“Yoga can not only help improve strength, flexibility, and balance, but it can also help you deal with and release stress. Yoga classes are also a great way to develop community and a consistent practice promotes self-care,” says Lawrence Cardenas, a yoga instructor at Equinox West 76th St. For the inflexible, “your first few classes may be challenging,” he adds, “but it’s called a yoga ‘practice,’ not a yoga ‘perfect.’ You may be surprised by what you like, or what your body needs.”

Boxing-style cardio is another way to kick-start muscles and help you move better. Erika Hearn is an Equinox instructor who teaches Powerstrike, a kickboxing program designed by martial arts expert Ilaria Montagnani for Equinox over 20 years ago. Hearn took the class as a member and was inspired to pursue teaching the class as an instructor.

“Members who take Powerstrike range in ages from 20-70 years old, and various stages of their fitness journeys,” Hearn says. “They learn patience with themselves as they sync the body and mind to learn the movements and execute the choreography.”

Boxing-inspired cardio also takes place in another high-energy class, The Cut, which is an Equinox exclusive created by Christa DiPaolo. DiPaolo’s kickboxing and dance background makes each class an intense trifecta of speed, balance, and flexibility. Each class is music-driven, which balances out the intensity of the boxing moves with a celebratory feel.

The Mental Effect of Functional Training

Powerstrike and The Cut both deliver an intense workout that trains balance, flexibility, mobility and endurance. More than anything else, all of these balance-based, functional classes – regardless of their speed and intensity – can help ease stress and allow your mind to focus solely on the activity at hand.

More October 2022