Use Scent to Boost Memory

An expert weighs in on the science behind scent and memory.

The science:

You can remember up to 30 percent more information by keeping the same scent on your desk and by your bed, according to a 2020 study. Another study shows that the brain has the capability of enabling scent to trigger memories. 

Expert insight:

When you learn something in the presence of a particular smell, your brain associates the two, says study author Jürgen Kornmeier, Ph.D., head of the Perception and Cognition Research Group at the University of Freiburg in Germany. Those details are stored in your hippocampus until you go to bed.

Then, during slow-wave sleep, your brain transfers some, but not all, of what you learned that day into your long-term memory. Subconsciously breathing in the same scent during that time may increase the number of details that your brain decides to store, Kornmeier explains.

Research also shows that smells are better at triggering memory than visual cues, such as looking at a photo. The study did look at scent vs visual cues for triggering more emotional childhood memories, as compared to learning or retaining information. 

The bottom line:

When you’re prepping for an upcoming presentation or meeting at work, place a particular essential oil scent nearby and move it to your nightstand when you go to bed. The 2020 study on learning and scent participants used rose, but other research suggests peppermint is best at enhancing memory.

More January 2023