Train Your Brain

Sharpen your mental edge with WaveNeuro's brain care program, now at Equinox.

How do you create vibrant health for the mind and body? Is it possible to train the brain to improve memory, mood, learning, and creativity? How do you stay young and resilient from the inside out? 

These are the questions that inspired me when I worked on neuroscience research at Duke and Georgetown Universities, and these are the same questions that inspire me in my current work teaching yoga for private clients and at Equinox in New York City.

The health of the body truly begins with the brain. The brain controls how we approach our daily actions and our diet, fitness, and lifestyle choices are directly influenced by the brain. This directly affects our health including cellular health, metabolism, and circulation. But where we spend the most time is in the middle – working our muscular strength with fitness routines. 

What’s missing from your wellness routine? Brain training.

Wave Neuro has the technology to change that. Through a new partnership with Equinox, you can now regain your mental edge through advanced neuron renewal. With 60 (and counting) new patents, Wave Neuro has streamlined cutting-edge revolutions in neuroimaging and biofeedback to create a brain fitness program.

The most incredible aspect of Wave Neuro is its emphasis on the individual: each person receives a unique plan based on their personal scan results. The initial Brainwave Scan is the first step in the Wave Neuro program, and it only takes about 10 minutes. In the scan, Wave Neuro uses EEG which analyzes the frequencies of brain waves. Higher frequency brain waves such as alpha and beta characterize waking states for the brain; lower frequency brain waves such as delta and theta characterize sleep states. Wave Neuro then prescribes sTMS sessions (synchronized transmagnetic stimulation; using magnets to change the activity of the brain) with the intention of resulting in healthy alpha wave function and reducing interference from slow wave activity. The Renewal sessions are painless and can be done before or after workouts. 

Optimizing your brain fitness is a key aspect of longevity. Dr. Erik Won, President and Chief Medical Officer at Wave Neuro, says that though Alzheimer's is the sixth top cause of death, it is the number one top concern among executives. I’ve seen this to ring true for my yoga clients as well, many of whom are CEOs and founders of their own companies. Cognitive acuity is an essential element of fitness in the workplace. As leaders experience the aging of their loved ones, they are highly aware of the power and importance of keeping the brain young, fit, and resilient. The ability to learn, to remember, to be creative in solving problems efficiently and quickly — these are definitive qualities of success both in our personal lives as well as in the workplace. 

Sharpening the mind and combatting the decline often associated with aging requires a regimen just as the fit body requires daily, dedicated attention. You can now experience the ideal combination of mind and body fitness through Wave Neuro at Equinox.

Click here to sign up for your session (available currently at Equinox Sports Club Orange County).

Megna Paula studied Neuroscience at Duke and Georgetown Universities, where she worked with fMRI. Her research focus was higher cognition and intelligence. After leaving Georgetown, Megna devoted herself to practicing Ashtanga, teaching yoga, and independent exploration of the meditative state. She now lives in the East Village of NYC and is writing books on yoga and meditation. She teaches yoga at Orchard Street, SoHo, Williamsburg and Dumbo Equinox Clubs. 

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