Marie Kondo on the Power of Habits

The master of tidying wants you to establish routines to create a “fulfilling and joy-sparking life.”

Does it spark joy? 

Those four single syllables, first published in 2010, transformed how the world thinks about “stuff.” When Marie Kondo, the New York Times best-selling author and two-time Netflix series host, published her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, she brought an ideology to homes everywhere that encouraged people to pay more attention to how they fill their lives. The KonMari Method, her system for tidying the home one category at a time, led people to discard what no longer brought happiness, organize their cupboards and closets, and breathe a collective sigh of relief. 

In a sense, the KonMari Method is a mindfulness practice. Through each step of the tidying journey, Kondo’s goal is to teach folks how to prioritize the people, experiences, and items that bring them joy — and to appreciate every moment with them. In the years since she became a household name, Kondo has continued to work in homes across the globe and write books inspired by a combination of Japanese philosophy and good sense. 

Equinox+ spoke with her about how her work and philosophy have evolved, as well as how her unique definition of wellness guides her morning routines, her parenting techniques, her plans for the future, and more.

[Editor’s note: Kondo’s responses in the following conversation were translated from Japanese to English by Kondo’s team.]

Your latest book is less about tidying and more about the idea of kurashi. What is kurashi, and why did you write a book about it? 

“The concept of ‘kurashi’ in Japan refers to how one spends their time, daily routines, and how one uses every hour. It encompasses more than just the home or interior; it expresses everything one does in everyday life.

“The inspiration for the book came from my previous discussions on organizing one's home. I realized that to achieve an ideal life, it's crucial to organize every aspect of one's daily routine. In this book, I encourage readers to reflect on their ideal way of living, explore methods to achieve this lifestyle, and delve into topics such as meals, sleep, and habits. There are numerous tips for everyone to lead a fulfilling and joy-sparking life.”

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You’ve spoken in previous interviews about how much you prioritize morning and evening routines. Why do you feel they’re so important? What are your current routines?

“Why are habits important? Daily habits shape our lives. My current habits include, for instance, opening all the windows in my home in the morning to refresh the energy throughout the house. I then burn incense and take a moment for quiet reflection. Also, one of the first things I do in the morning is drink warm water to refresh my body. Refreshing my home and body in the morning is crucial for me.

“As for the evening, I love the time after my family has gone to sleep when I can do household chores alone. After finishing chores, I enjoy reading a book while soaking in the bath. Then, I will check my schedule to ensure a smooth day tomorrow. Before bed, I either drink warm water with a hint of lemon or herbal tea and then practice yoga and a short meditation to calm my body and mind. I find it helps me achieve a more restful sleep.”

Let’s talk a bit about movement and exercise. How do you build movement into your life? Do you have a formal workout routine? 

I try to incorporate movement into most aspects of my life. As part of my daily routine, I walk with my children to the bus stop in the morning when they go to school. The walk includes a decent incline on the way back, providing some exercise. My husband and I also combine our meetings and exercise by walking while discussing work — something we can easily integrate without much effort. 

“Amidst the numerous responsibilities of work and childcare, my goal is not to overwhelm myself. I strive to incorporate activities I enjoy into my daily routine when and where I can. I take online personal training sessions a few times a week. My evening yoga ritual is another example of this approach.”

“Wellness” has become a complicated word in the U.S., with varying definitions depending on who uses it. Can you speak a bit about how Japanese culture approaches wellness and your own definition of wellness?

“In my perspective, wellness refers to the harmony of both the mind and body and the environment. While this is rooted in one's overall lifestyle, an important concept emphasized in Japanese culture is the idea of harmony. This applies to relationships, what one eats, and the daily activities one engages in. Instead of emphasizing and focusing on only certain aspects, I believe in prioritizing balance and harmony when viewed as a whole. 

“To achieve this, I think reflecting on one's actions and thoughts daily is essential. ‘Is my current lifestyle in harmony?’ ‘What changes can I make to achieve balance?’ By dedicating time to consider such matters, I believe it becomes possible to maintain a well-balanced life — both daily and long-term.”

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Many of our members balance highly successful careers, travel, and families. What is your best advice for someone struggling to find time to clean, tidy, and organize?

“The KonMari Method is a very simple system. Its notable feature is that by following a predetermined set of steps, you can not only organize your home but also declutter your inner self. 

“When it comes to tidying up, some people may think, ‘I simply don't have the time!’ Indeed, physically organizing can be time-consuming. However, once you complete the process of tidying up, you'll find that you can concentrate more effectively on what truly matters in your business, ultimately allowing you to use your time more efficiently. 

“If you find the idea of organizing on your own to be challenging, we train and certify KonMari Consultants across the U.S. and the world who can help you with the process. With nearly 1,000 consultants in approximately 60 countries, they can assist you both online and offline. It can help to have support when taking on such a significant endeavor.”

I still love tidying and organizing, but I accept that some days look different than others. Priorities can change based on life stages for everyone. Instead of blaming oneself for the changes, I encourage you to embrace and enjoy the transformations.
Marie Kondo

You spoke earlier this year about adapting your lifestyle and expectations now that you have three children. What would you say to a parent who is trying to fit it all in — work, fitness, family, friends, a tidy home? Is there a way to find balance? 

“Becoming a mother, I experienced exactly that. I believe everyone faces conflicts where things they used to do become challenging. Perfection (or anything close to it) becomes elusive after having children. I went through a period when I couldn't keep up with organizing the house after having children, and I will admit it initially concerned me. In such times, it's crucial to reconsider, ‘What does a fulfilling life look like for me right now?’

“For example, in my case, I prioritized spending time with my children. I recognized that making nutritious and healthy meals for them and playing together was essential to me. And this realization helped me understand that having a perfectly tidy house all the time is not necessarily crucial. 

“I still love tidying and organizing, but I accept that some days look different than others. Priorities can change based on life stages for everyone. Instead of blaming oneself for the changes, I encourage you to embrace and enjoy the transformations.”

What’s next for you, your life, and your work? Are there any exciting projects on the horizon? What about personal plans or goals? 

Regarding personal goals, now that my third child is a little older and I have more personal time, I would like to restart activities I’ve neglected to enhance the joy within my home and life, such as gardening and refreshing our home’s interiors.

“As for work, I aspire to assist even more people in completing their tidying journey and moving towards a joyful life. To achieve this, I aim to work hard alongside KonMari Consultants across the country to increase the number of individuals who successfully complete their tidying festivals, one person at a time.”

More December 2023