A monthly selection of articles to inform and inspire a high-performance lifestyle
Acclaimed author Yung Pueblo opens up about putting words to the journey of self-healing.
Equinox+ spoke with the author (née Diego Perez) about his latest book, "The Way Forward," as well as his approach to writing. He shares his thought process: “How can I make my writing a gentle invitation to an individual’s mind so they can reflect a little bit during their day?” READ MORE
A new study shows how happy someone is could largely be due to genetics. But if happiness is a mood, then how is it inherited?
Scientists are still trying to figure this out, but what they have pinpointed through twin studies is that genetics accounts for about 40 percent of someone’s happiness set point. READ MORE
Semaglutide-based drugs have opened a realm of possibilities for weight loss and health goals — but it’s only one part of a winning strategy.
Over the last few months, Equinox has received questions from members who are using GLP-1s as part of their weight loss journey. To help, Equinox has launched a one-of-a-kind, research-backed GLP-1 protocol members can trust. READ MORE
Fitness for Your 50s and Beyond
It’s never too late to start personal training, says Chris McGill, an Equinox Tier 3+ Coach. READ MORE
Skip the Chairlift and Try Ski Touring
Some liken it to meditation, others just like the chase of the thrill. READ MORE
Pilates Rise: A New Signature Class
The new Equinox signature class gives classical Pilates movements a leveled-up, athletic treatment. READ MORE
Marrying Science and Instinct
How interpreting scientific data for a living did — and didn’t — change the way health economist Emily Oster trained for a marathon. READ MORE
Strength Training for Strong Skin
Your resistance training routine may contribute to a healthy complexion, new research suggests. READ MORE