The 2024 Want It All Challenge

Test your mind and body with a 12-day movement challenge.

The Vernal Equinox is a moment for maximizing your potential. Recommitting to progress. And this year, the Want It All Challenge will help you make those strides.

Here’s how it works: Check into any Club on the Vernal Equinox and commit to Wanting It All to be entered into a giveaway*. Then, each day from March 19 to 30, refresh this article to find a new movement that tests your power, strength, stability, or energy systems. Perform that day’s movement and repeat those from the days prior to encourage skill mastery. By Day 12, you’ll have a holistic workout that benefits the body and mind and gives you a taste of all the elements that exist within an expert-designed Equinox workout.

Upon completion, five members will win a Want It All Membership, which includes a one-year Destination Membership, 12 Personal Training sessions, 12 Private Pilates sessions, 12 Spa sessions, and special gifts from the Shop.

So unlock your peak performance, dig into your desire, and become a Vernal Victor. There’s no time to waste.

The Challenge

How it works: On March 19, perform the Day 1 movement. On March 20, perform Day 1 and Day 2 movements. Continue adding on a new movement each day until you’ve combined all 12 into a full-body workout. 

Day 1: Front Plank

Kick off the Want It All Challenge with a front plank, a movement prep exercise that activates your core. In learning how to properly engage your core on Day 1, you’ll complete every move that follows with a strong, stable trunk that supports performance. 

1. Start in a table-top position on the floor: your shoulders are stacked with wrists, hips are stacked with knees, and toes are resting on the ground. Gaze down and slightly forward to maintain a neutral neck. Engage your core by bracing your stomach as if someone is punching you in the gut.

2. Step your right foot back to straighten your right leg, then step your left foot back to straighten your left leg. Place your feet hip-width apart. 

3. One arm at a time, lower down onto your forearms, keeping elbows stacked with shoulders. Your forearms are parallel with one another and your hands are in soft fists. 

4. Hold this position, keeping your core engaged to prevent your lower back from excessively arching. You should form a straight line from head to heel. 

Do 2 sets of 45-second holds. Rest for 60 seconds between each set. 

Click here for today's workout.

Day 2: Long Reverse Lunge to Thoracic Rotation

This dynamic warm-up movement stretches the entire body and improves mobility throughout the thoracic spine and hips. As you perform your reps, focus on lengthening your limbs while maintaining the stable trunk you honed on Day 1. 

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, your shoulders rolled down and back, and your arms resting at your sides. Engage your core.

2. Step your right leg back, with your heel lifted and toes glued to the floor. Then, lower into a lunge, bending your left knee until it forms a roughly 90-degree angle. Keep your right leg straight.

3. Hinge forward, then place both hands on the floor on the inside of your left foot. Your wrists should be stacked with your shoulders. Gaze down at your hands.

4. Keeping your hips square and right hand glued to the floor, lift your left hand off the floor and extend it up toward the ceiling, rotating to the left through the spine. Continue rotating as far as your range of motion allows. Focus your gaze on your left hand’s fingertips.

5. Slowly reverse the movement, rotating through the spine to bring your left hand back to the floor. 

6. Step your right foot up to meet the left, then press through your hands to return to standing. That’s one rep.

Do 6 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Click here for today's workout.

Day 3: Lateral Shuffle to Pause

Take the tempo up a notch with a lateral shuffle, which tests your multi-directional agility and ability to both accelerate and decelerate. This move will get your nervous system primed and ready to take on the demanding power exercises in the Challenge.

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, your shoulders rolled down and back, and your arms resting at your sides. Engage your core and keep your chest lifted.

2. Quickly drive your left knee up to the ceiling, shifting your weight into your right foot. 

3. Step your left foot out to your left side. As it touches the ground, quickly drive your right knee up to the ceiling, shifting your weight into your left foot. 

4. Continue the shuffle to the left. After five steps, pause the movement pattern. Your right knee should be driven up toward the ceiling and body weight in your left foot.

5. Quickly step your right foot out to your right side. As it touches the ground, quickly drive your left knee up to the ceiling, shifting your weight into your right foot. 

6. Continue the shuffle to the right. After five steps, pause, then reverse the movement pattern.

Do 3 sets of 5 steps in each direction. Rest for 60 seconds between each set. 

Click here for today's workout.

Day 4: Kettlebell Swing

Though technically a lower-body power move, the kettlebell swing calls on nearly all of your posterior chain to explosively pull the weight toward the ceiling.

1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, your shoulders rolled down and back, and your toes pointing forward. Hold a kettlebell handle with both hands in between thighs. Engage your core and keep your chest lifted.

2. On an inhale, bend your knees slightly and hinge forward at the hips to hike the kettlebell backward, in between your legs.

3. On an exhale, explosively shoot your hips forward and straighten your legs to drive the kettlebell up toward the ceiling, allowing your arms to float to shoulder height. Keep your lats engaged to prevent your shoulders from rounding forward. 

4. Float the kettlebell back down between your legs and immediately begin your next rep.

Do 3 sets of 5 reps. Rest for 90 seconds between each set.

Click here for today's workout.

Day 5: Med Ball Overhead Slam

Balance your body with this upper-body power exercise, during which you explosively drive a med ball straight into the ground — a pushing movement. 

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your shoulders rolled down and back, and your toes pointing forward. Hold a med ball with both hands in front of your chest. Engage your core and keep your chest lifted.

2. On an inhale, lift the med ball over your head and shift your body weight into your toes. 

3. On an exhale, bend your knees to lower into a slight squat, shift weight back into heels, and explosively slam the med ball into the floor in front of you.

Do 3 sets of 5 reps. Rest for 90 seconds between each set. 

Click here for today's workout.

Day 6: Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift

Use a near-maximal load to turn this resistance exercise into a strength-building movement. The sumo deadlift mainly targets your lower-body muscles and, compared to other variations, more heavily emphasizes the inner thighs.

1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, your shoulders rolled down and back, and your toes pointing slightly out to the side. Hold a kettlebell handle with both hands in between thighs. Engage your core and keep your chest lifted.

2. Keep your back flat, lats engaged, and chin tucked. On an inhale, hinge forward at the hips, sending your butt backward and allowing your chest to tilt toward the ground and knees to bend slightly. Continue hinging as far as your range of motion allows or until the kettlebell touches the ground. 

3. On an inhale, slowly bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. That’s one rep.

Do 3 sets of 6 reps. Rest for 90 seconds between each set.

Click here for today's workout.

Day 7: Dumbbell Bench Press

Just like the kettlebell sumo deadlift, you’ll want to reach for heavy dumbbells to make this bench press a strength movement. Since it’s fairly taxing on the nervous system, you’ll be doing only a handful of reps.

1. Lie face-up on a bench with your feet flat on the ground and core engaged. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your chest, your palms facing away from you. 

2. With your elbows roughly 45 degrees away from your ribcage, press the dumbbells up toward the ceiling on an exhale. Pause at the top, when your arms are fully straightened and the dumbbells are stacked with your chest. 

3. On an inhale, slowly bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. That's one rep.

Do 3 sets of 6 reps. Rest for 90 seconds between each set.

Click here for today's workout.

Day 8: Dumbbell Goblet Split Squat

A unilateral resistance exercise, the goblet split squat works just one side of your lower body at a time, helping you pinpoint and correct muscle imbalances. Choose a load you can do 10 to 12 reps with to encourage hypertrophy. 

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your shoulders rolled down and back, and your toes pointing forward. Hold a dumbbell with both hands in front of your chest. Engage your core and keep your chest lifted.

2. Step your right foot forward, with your right foot planted flat on the floor and left heel lifted. This is the starting position.

3. On an inhale, lower into a lunge, bending your right knee to about 90 degrees. Your left knee should simultaneously bend to roughly 90 degrees. 

4. On an exhale, press into all four corners of your right foot to straighten both legs and return to standing. That’s one rep.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps. Complete one set on your right side before switching to your left side. Rest for 60 seconds between each set.

Click here for today's workout.

Day 9: Half-Kneeling 1-Arm Cable Row

This single-side exercise will support muscle growth throughout your upper back, particularly your lats and rear deltoids. To stay upright and square with the cable machine while kneeling, you’ll need to rely on the foundation of core stability you established on Day 1. 

1. Kneel on the floor facing a cable machine, with the handle positioned at chest height. Then, place your right foot on the ground in front of your body, bending your right knee to 90 degrees. Keep your left knee glued to the floor, with your toes resting on the ground. Engage your core and roll your shoulders down and back. 

2. Grip the handle with your left hand, palm facing inward. On an exhale, drive your left elbow to your ribcage, keeping your hips square with the machine.

3. On an inhale, slowly straighten your arm in front of your body at chest height. That’s one rep.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps. Complete one set on your left side before switching to your right side. Rest for 60 seconds between each set.

Click here for today's workout.

Day 10: Tall-Kneeling Cable Stability Chop

This anti-rotational core exercise challenges your trunk muscles to stay still and stable as you “chop” a resistance-loaded bar across your body.

1. Kneel on the floor with your toes tucked and your right side facing a cable machine that’s equipped with a straight bar attachment. Engage your core and roll your shoulders down and back. Your shoulders, hips, and knees should be stacked. 

2. Hold the top handle of the straight bar with your right hand, your right arm straight. Hold the bottom handle with your left hand, your left arm bent at a roughly 90-degree angle in front of your chest. This is the starting position. 

3. On an exhale, drive the straight bar down toward your left hip, crossing your right arm to your left side while straightening your left arm behind you.

4. On an inhale, slowly reverse the movement to return to the starting position. That's one rep.

Do 2 sets of 12 reps. Complete one set on your right side before switching to your left side. Rest for 30 seconds between each set. 

Click here for today's workout.

Day 11: Fan Bike

Burn out your body with a few 30-second rounds on the fan bike, which trains your anaerobic energy system.

Do 3 sets of 30 seconds of work. Take 90 seconds of rest between each set.

Click here for today's workout.

Day 12: Headstrong Meditation

Cap off your workout with this cool-down meditation from Headstrong, featuring calming breathwork. The five-minute session will help you kickstart the recovery process that allows you to make physical adaptations to the demanding workout you just completed.

Click here for a post-Vernal meditation.


*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. To enter without Club check-in, send an email to with name, phone number and the subject “Want It All Sweepstakes.” Begins 12:00:00am ET 3/19/24 & ends 3:00:00am 3/20/24. Open to 50 US/DC, 18+. Subject to Rules, incl. full entry details, prize ARVs and descriptions. Void where prohibited. Odds depend on # of eligible entries recv’d. Total ARV: $45,157.50. Sponsor: Equinox Holdings, 31 Hudson Yards, New York, NY 10001.

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