I Tried: The World’s Most Advanced Massage

Get a closer look at the customizable, machine-driven Aescape massage at Equinox.

I Tried is a series that spotlights an individual as they experience an Equinox offering for one month. In this installment, managing editor Grace Gavilanes tries the Aescape massage, now available at The Spa at select Equinox locations.

Since I write and edit for a living, I can usually be found hunched over, typing away at my kitchen table with my cat Pepito perched on my lap. In the afternoon, I work from my standing desk and use my walking pad when I’m catching up on emails or finalizing our editorial calendar. Despite the attempts to lead a less sedentary lifestyle than so many others with desk jobs, my posture, stiff shoulders, and tense lower back still yearn for some TLC. So, when the opportunity to try “the world’s most advanced massage” for a month was presented, I volunteered without hesitation. (Okay, maybe a little, but more on that later.)

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In August, Equinox teamed up with Aescape — a lifestyle robotics company founded in 2017 — as its launch partner. The idea: to provide Club members with a customizable, efficient massage that’s powered by robotics and informed by human touch (Aescape works with licensed massage therapists to create every stroke). In layman’s terms, Aescape provides you with a personalized session that swaps out a human massage therapist for a table that’s equipped with two robotic arms for double the bodywork in half the time. While it’s designed to provide recovery support for everybody, this new offering is specially made for those with hectic schedules (Aescape offers sessions ranging from 15 to 60 minutes) and those who feel uncomfortable communicating their needs to a massage therapist.

Aescape prioritizes precision and customization. The latter is achieved thanks to the interactive screen located directly below the headrest, allowing you to control every part of your experience, from the type of music that plays to your preferred level of pressure throughout your session. So, how does it work exactly? Once you arrive for your appointment, you strip down and slip on a provided long-sleeved spandex shirt and leggings — both form-fitting enough for the machine to take a detailed snapshot of your body, from head to toe. This information serves as a map for the machine’s robotic arms to do their job in the most precise and efficient way possible.

“We scan the body and create a 3D model from over 1.2 million data points on the body that then empowers us to create a treatment that’s hyper-personalized to the person on the table,” Aescape founder Eric Litman tells Equinox+. “We're not just poking in space; we're very specifically targeting the treatment to their body. The arms themselves have very sensitive sensors inside of them that allow them to feel and adapt to you as you're breathing and adjusting and living in the moment of your treatment.”

A moment of self-care, powered by a smart massage table? I had to try it out.

Here’s how my month-long journey went.

Week One: Curiosity Trumps Fear

I’m not going to lie and say I was 100 percent excited to receive a massage from a robot. I would say my feelings could be categorized into three parts: 60 percent curious, 22 percent nervous, and 18 percent “my mom would freak if she knew I was doing this.” Ahead of my first session, a friend’s engineer husband also expressed his concerns of my potentially getting “pinned down” mid-session. Not totally unfounded given that the date of my first Aescape massage was scheduled for Friday the 13th. Spoiler: I did not, in fact, get pinned down. Instead, I was treated to a one-of-a-kind experience that left me pleasantly surprised.

I arrived at Equinox High Line on a sunny morning, coming off a pretty intense week packed with deadlines, errands, and family obligations. I was stressed but hopeful. After checking in at the front desk, I was escorted by Shannon — an Aescape team member who graciously walked me through what to expect — into a dimly lit room in The Spa. Inside, I changed into their branded spandex shirt and leggings. I also removed my necklace and put my hair up to ensure the most accurate scan and optimal experience.

Next, I scanned the QR code on the screen below the headrest and was taken to a welcome message, prompting me to confirm a few details and make some optional adjustments. At this point, I was lying face down on the table, settling into the headrest. You are able to adjust the headrest, arm rest, and leg rest for a more personalized fit. I played around with this feature until I felt comfortable with how I was positioned. From there, the scan began. There was no contact and it was quick. Then, the actual massage began. Note: I booked the 30-minute full-body massage option, but others can choose to focus solely on the lower body or upper body for the duration of their session.

The first thing I noticed is that the robotic arms are heated! A nice touch I was unaware of prior to my reservation. It reminded me of getting a not-too-hot stone massage. The spandex I was wearing — while primarily made to serve as a safe barrier between the arms and your skin — helped the arms glide smoothly, similar to how it feels when oil is applied to your body during a traditional massage — at least to me anyway. The pressure felt a little too strong for my first time, so I lowered it to a medium on the screen and kept it there for the entirety of my session.

I was impressed but still a little reluctant to explore the full features available on the screen. I spent the majority of the session tracking the arms’ movements, ensuring they were doing what they were supposed to be doing. But hey, a little paranoia never hurts, and great news: I survived!

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Week Two: Second Time’s a Charm

The following Friday, I headed to Equinox Orchard for my second 30-minute Aescape session. That morning, I vowed to explore all the features the machine had to offer: scenery, music, pressure. Once I was face-to-face with the screen, I decided to change up my view. The default option is an outline of your body coupled with two moving orbs (the robotic arms), giving you the opportunity to visualize your experience in real time. The others consisted of Rain, Snow, Waves, and Minimalist (a black screen). I ultimately went back to the full-body map as I felt it was the most meditative. Plus, I liked seeing where the robot was at all times. 

I also experimented with different music genres. I tried Hip Hop (think: Future and Ludacris), Top Hits (I feared bopping to Sabrina Carpenter’s “Please Please Please” would lead to a totally preventable injury), and Classic Rock (David Bowie and Rush were highlights). I eventually settled on Peaceful Piano to complement the little sanctuary I created.

You can also tweak the pressure at any point. One of Aescape’s main selling points is a solution to a common issue many people seeking a full-body massage face: being assertive about the type of pressure or area of the body they want their massage therapist to focus on. While I haven’t had a problem vocalizing these needs in the past, I can appreciate how convenient Aescape makes it for those who do.

I went ahead and toggled between medium, strong, and deep pressure. My initial fear dissipated and curiosity fully took over. I felt so in control of the experience that I let my guard down and fell asleep for the last 10 minutes of the session. I was so relaxed, I couldn’t wait for my next booking.

Weeks Three and Four: Relax and Recover

While the first two weeks of my Aescape journey focused on de-stressing and decompressing, I made it a point to treat my last leg of the experience as an opportunity to engage in some post-workout recovery. So, I scheduled my last two sessions a day after taking MetCon3 and Whipped!, respectively.

I returned to Equinox High Line for my last two sessions, given its proximity to my apartment. At this point, I felt like an expert. I knew where to go, what to do, and how to customize the experience to better suit my needs. During both sessions, I opted for the default screen, Peaceful Piano, and deep pressure. I went even deeper when the arms reached my glutes — something I realized could have felt awkward to communicate to a massage therapist. The spandex shirt and leggings also make a post-massage shower optional in this case, further proving the machine’s commitment to efficiency.

I began to fantasize about owning my very own table, which would make for a very luxe addition to my bedtime routine. I’m brought back to reality a few minutes before the end of my last session. Sigh.

Final Takeaway

I love self-care as much as the next person, and Aescape certainly delivers. It’s convenient, innovative, and definitely not as scary as you might think. It’s also always evolving in terms of its potential.

In the future, Shannon told me during my first session, Aescape will be able to scan muscle density, meaning that the machine will know where you’re most tense and which areas need the most work — before the arms even come into contact with your body. Trippy, but cool. I’ll 100 percent be making a reservation when that upgrade becomes available.

Click here to book your session.

Images provided by Aescape

More October 2024