I Tried: Boxing

Barre and yoga instructor Nicole Uribarri tries boxing for one month.

I Tried is a series that spotlights an individual as they experience an Equinox offering for one month. In this installment, barre and yoga instructor Nicole Uribarri tries two boxing classes — ROUNDS and The Cut.

I’ve been in the fitness industry for almost 20 years and currently teach more than 14 classes (mostly yoga and barre) at various Equinox studios around NYC every week — and that doesn’t include my own training sessions. Needless to say, I keep myself busy. With a jam-packed schedule, I have to ensure that anything I add to my plate is going to be worth it.

When I was asked to try the two boxing classes we offer — ROUNDS, which is focused on boxing drills using heavy bags, and The Cut, a high-intensity shadow boxing conditioning class — I was excited because I knew I was going to get a lot of bang for my exercise buck. Plus, I actually don’t have much exposure to boxing, so I was eager to step outside my comfort zone. 

When it comes to what type of routines I do in my free time, I gravitate toward anything enjoyable and challenging. I prefer workouts that get my heart rate up, and they don’t have to be traditional cardio. I really enjoy high-intensity strength training, for example, so I went into this experiment ready to sweat.

RELATED: Introducing: ROUNDS

Week 1: Boosting My Heart Rate with The Cut

I started out with The Cut, and I really enjoyed it. It felt accessible to a newbie like me because it was more of a cardio conditioning-style class rather than a ton of focus on certain boxing techniques or types of punches. 

There aren’t any gloves or bags in The Cut, so I’d recommend this class to anyone who might find heavy-bag work intimidating at first or who wants to ease into boxing workouts.

Throughout the class, the instructor called out different choreographed sequences that varied from some punches like jabs and uppercuts to more kickboxing-style moves such as rear kicks. We had the option to use light hand weights to pump up the burn and resistance, but it was also clear that you could drop them at any time if you ever needed a break. You’d be surprised how heavy two-pound weights can feel after a while! 

The sequences got a bit more complex as the class went on, but nothing felt unmanageable. It was fun to test my mental and physical limits.

Week 2: Letting It All Out with ROUNDS

Next, I tried my hand (or, should I say, fist) at ROUNDS, the newest boxing class offered at Equinox that mimics more of the movements you’d use in the actual ring during a fight — just using a heavy punching bag, not someone else’s face! 

The instructor got us warmed up with some dynamic movements and some shadow boxing before asking us to glove up and step toward the bags. We were given a bit of instruction as far as what type of punches to throw — the instructor called for us to give them some uppercuts, then some crosses, for example — but as a novice, I would have loved even more guidance on form and technique before going all in. 

That said, it was a cool experience being able to take any stress or aggression I had pent up out on the bag. Sometimes it just feels really cathartic to hit something really hard.

RELATED: The Journey to Becoming a World Boxing Champ

Week 3: Continuing My Training

My schedule allowed me to sneak in a few more classes throughout the week, and I felt like I was in a groove with my boxing routine at this point. I looked forward to both class formats because they were a deviation from my typical yoga and barre classes. As the co-creator of Equinox’s Sculpted Yoga classes, I know that these two modalities are anything but “easy” or “chill,” but upping the ante with boxing was a challenge I relished.

I know how important it is to prevent fitness plateaus or boredom from the fatigue of doing the same type of workout again and again, so I felt this particular benefit notably throughout the month. 

Week 4: Ending My Month of Boxing — Knowing I’ll Be Back for More

As I wrapped up this fun four-week period, I reflected on what I noticed throughout this experience and know there are a few things that I’ll definitely be taking with me on my fitness journey. What I loved most about incorporating both The Cut and ROUNDS classes into my schedule was the variety it offered. One of the biggest reasons I was keen to sign onto this experience in the first place was because it pushed me to try something new that I honestly may not have sought out on my own otherwise. After completing my month, I realized just how valuable it is to allow new, fresh challenges into your life — and fitness is a really great place to get started. 

Challenging myself to learn boxing and kickboxing moves and up the intensity of my workouts — and crushing it! — boosted my confidence throughout other areas of my life as a mom and as a fitness professional. I was able to learn from the other instructors I had in these classes and even found some lessons for my own teaching style — whether it was how to deliver different types of movement cues or how to keep a room full of members varying in fitness level engaged and energized. 

Another cool thing I noticed was that all the core-centered work we do during barre and yoga applies directly to the form and technique used during boxing. You need a strong core to be able to throw fast, sharp, and strong punches, as well as move with solid balance and coordination around the bag (or the ring for that matter). 

All in all, I left each boxing class feeling more confident than the last, and while I had high hopes for this month-long experience, I left it saying to myself, “Wow, that was even more fun than I imagined.”

More November 2024