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The Daily Check-In 5.23

Unwind today.

Find your footing.

Instead of crossing your legs during this HeadStrong meditation, plant both feet on the floor. It adds to the grounding qualities of this 5-minute session.
Instead of crossing your legs during this HeadStrong meditation, plant both feet on the floor. It adds to the grounding qualities of this 5-minute session.
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Go full-fat.

If you’re grabbing a pint in the freezer aisle, go for the OG. The sweeteners in low-cal ice cream can lead to bloating and other GI issues, explains Claire Shorenstein, R.D.N., a nutritionist at Nutrition Energy in New York City. Moreover, research in the Canadian Medical Association Journalshows that sugar substitutes may cause healthy people to crave sweets more regularly.

Instead, indulge mindfully, says Shorenstein. “We need to upend the mentality that there should be guilt around eating certain foods. If you’re truly craving ice cream, have a scoop and take your time to savor it.”


Get out of bed.

"You don't want to associate the bed with anything but sleep," says LA-based clinical psychologist Sarah Kate McGowan, Ph.D. If you regularly read, stream, or work there, the space will start to trigger feelings of wakefulness, not R&R. Then, when you do tuck in, sleep will be harder to come by.

As much as possible, use your bed for nothing but sleep and intimacy. It can even be smart to extend your wind-down routine by 15, 20 minutes if you’re not ready to doze off yet, then get in bed when you’re actually tired so you don’t toss and turn, McGowan adds.


Agree to disagree.

Many friendships are struggling because of disagreements over coronavirus-related matters, says Megan L. Robbins, Ph.D., assistant psychology professor at University of California, Riverside.

Having differing opinions is normal, but if they’re creating friction, take a step back: Where is your friend coming from that makes her think the way that she does? “Some people will be more concerned over their financial situation. Others will be primarily concerned with the negative effects of being socially isolated,” says Robbins. “By considering that, you can have empathy for their POV, even if you don’t agree.”

It may not serve you and your wellbeing to engage in that conversation at all. “Keep Zoom happy hour topics to non-coronavirus matters such as shared interests, a new show on Netflix, or mutual friends,” Robbins says.

Equinox photography auction

Today’s offering is this powerful black and white portrait by photographer Daniella Midenge. The proceeds will benefit the WhyHunger COVID-19 Rapid Relief Fund.

Place Your Bid

Try a plank remix.

These 6 creative takes on the static move will fire up your core and improve your balance. Perform up to 3 rounds of 8 to 10 reps (per side when necessary).
These 6 creative takes on the static move will fire up your core and improve your balance. Perform up to 3 rounds of 8 to 10 reps (per side when necessary).


Join us on Instagram for a livestream meditation at 12:00PM EDT/5:00PM BST.
Join us on Instagram for a livestream meditation at 12:00PM EDT/5:00PM BST.
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