On waking up:

“I try to do a 5-10 minute meditation every morning before I get out of bed. It’s a great way to set the tone for the rest of my day, and it helps to put my mind in a present and relaxed state. 

On his go-to Equinox+ class:


On Indoor vs outdoor workouts:

“I love an indoor workout for clearing a busy mind or blowing off steam, because I can create a specific structure to drop into mentally and physically. Outdoor workouts are great for when I’m already feeling really connected, and want to expand that connection to the environment around me.” 

On sourcing inspiration and energy:

“Since I’m always traveling, I’m really energized by experiencing the contrast of different environments. I’m just as inspired by the momentum and fast-paced energy of the city, as I am by the peace and stillness found in untouched areas of nature.” 

On high-performance living:

“High performance to me means pushing myself past my preconceived, self-imposed limitations. It’s doing that 10% more than I think I possibly can, and then feeding off the energy of accomplishing that goal to push the next 10%. It’s a self-generating cycle.  

On staying grounded while on-the-go:

“Commitment to consistency is key. Sometimes time zone changes, accessibility to equipment, or scheduling can seem to get in the way, but by staying flexible and working with what I have, I’m almost always able to keep my commitment to myself to get the grind in, especially because I know it elevates every other part of my day.”

On going to sleep:

“I like to end my day like I start it, with gratitude and presence. So I’ll usually wrap up any emails or editing, and then relax by listening to some healing frequencies as I fall asleep.”

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