Equinox White

The Daily Check-In 8.13

Better posture starts today.

Core move: squat chop

This oblique burner, featured in Sam Rothermel’s Best Abs Ever: Core Stability class on Variis, also builds total-body power. Load the weight at your hip, drive through the heel, and bring it across your body with control. Do it for 25 seconds on one side, then repeat on the other.
This oblique burner, featured in Sam Rothermel’s Best Abs Ever: Core Stability class on Variis, also builds total-body power. Load the weight at your hip, drive through the heel, and bring it across your body with control. Do it for 25 seconds on one side, then repeat on the other.


Buy the right EVOO.

All olive oil is not created equal, even if it’s labeled “extra-virgin.” The quality depends on factors including processing, oxidation, adulteration, and olive freshness. Katina Mountanos of Kosterina Olive Oil explains how to buy the best EVOO:

Pay attention to harvesting date and label terms.

Oil labels should say “extra-virgin” and have a bottling/harvesting date within 18 months. Avoid ones with terms like “pure,” “light,” or “olive pomace oil.”

Go for dark, glass bottles.

Clear, plastic bottles increase exposure to heat and light, which causes oil spoilage.

Invest in early harvest oil.

Early harvest olive oil (which has the highest level of antioxidant-rich polyphenols) is squeezed from the olive before it’s ripe, yielding a higher quality product. You need more olives to make a true extra-virgin oil, which is why it’s more expensive.


Posture move: prone plié

This barre-inspired move strengthens the posterior chain, helping you to naturally stand up straight.

Lie facedown on a mat like a starfish, arms and legs wide apart. Bend the knees and bring your heels together so that your knees come off the mat. As you squeeze the heels, engage your abs and activate your back to lift your head and chest up, keeping your gaze on the front of the mat to protect your neck. Bring your arms over your head and out to the sides while pressing your heels and feet upward, as shown. Repeat 10 to 12 times.


Start a Whoop team.

“I am part of a Whoop team of Equinox trainers, which has allowed me to stay connected to my coworkers and friends while having some friendly competition,” says Brianne Munch, a Tier X coach at Greenwich in Connecticut. 

The teams, which you can create in the Whoop app, include leaderboards so you can see how you stack up against others when it comes to recovery, sleep, and more.

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