Instead of the usual cheese overload, these enchiladas feature a filling heavy on corn, zucchini, and protein-rich Greek yogurt. Poblano peppers replace the traditional tortillas in the dish, which will make for excellent leftovers tomorrow night.
“Whenever clients or colleagues tell me about a new health-related product, I make sure to research it so that I am up to date on the latest,” says Jasmin Lee, Tier 3+ trainer at East 92nd Street in New York City. “This keeps me on my toes and the momentum going.” Her advice for doing your own research before you buy any new fitness or wellness product: “Read the written reviews and don't be afraid to ask questions. So many are tricked by good marketing techniques that they miss the basics.”
Stretching post-workout may seem like an afterthought, but it’s essential to improving the range of motion and reducing risk of injury. To increase flexibility, a study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research suggests holding a stretch for one minute (on each side, when applicable), twice every day. Use that rule of thumb for this one, the brettzel:
Lie on the right side with your head supported by a foam pad or roller. Take the right hand and grab the left knee, bringing it close to the body. Grab toes of the right leg behind back with the left hand, using a towel or strap if necessary. Inhale into the belly, and on the exhale rotate toward the left hand. Cycle through this progression a couple of times until the shoulder is in contact with the ground. If it’s too difficult to get the shoulder down, elevate flexed leg with towels. Switch sides and repeat.