1:1 Precision Run® Coaching

Reach your running goals—no matter the distance. Whether you’re preparing for your first race or your next marathon, find your stride with 1:1 in-Club training, personalized for you by a private certified COACH.

Select Your Club
*Ensure your membership allows access to the Club you select before booking.
Available at select Clubs:
Bond Street
Brickell Heights
Brooklyn Heights
Chestnut Hill
Columbus Circle
Coral Gables
East 43rd Street
East 74th Street
Great Neck
High Line
Highland Park Dallas
Huntington Beach
Miracle Mile
Orchard Street
Palos Verdes
River Oaks
Santa Monica
Sports Club Boston
Sports Club Orange County
Studio City
West 76th Street
Westlake Village
Woodland Hills
Scan to purchase Coaching sessions in the EQX+ app

1:1 Precision Run® Coaching

Equinox offers a new approach to train toward a personal best, a first big race, or simply a way to become a better runner.
Equinox offers a new approach to train toward a personal best, a first big race, or simply a way to become a better runner.


With 1:1 Precision Run® Coaching, your COACH combines their deep expertise in race training with their world-class personal training background to guide you through a customized program to help you realize your running potential.


Training for a race isn’t just about miles; it’s about running smarter and stronger. Our individualized approach to programming incorporates the best of Equinox's strength, conditioning, cross training, and regeneration.


Unlike other run programs, 1:1 Precision Run® Coaching is rooted in our proprietary interval-based running methodology. Grounded in science, our Precision Run® Methodology balances speed, incline, duration, and recovery to optimize performance while reducing stress on the body.

The Future of Running is Here

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  • 1:1 Precision Run® Coaching

    Unlock 1:1 training with our certified Precision Run® COACHES. Sharpen your form. Ignite your speed. Dominate every run.

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