Embrace Your Authentic Self

Filling your own cup should always come first, according to Be Greater Than’s co-founders.

Do you ever feel like you have to downplay your accomplishments just to appease others? 

In your career, you may work your butt off only to clap politely as your boss takes all the credit at the company all-hands meeting. Or maybe you’re offered a new job but feel like you can’t negotiate the pay because the hiring manager told you they have a stack of resumes of people who would happily accept whatever is offered. You might do it in your personal life, too, not telling your friends at brunch about the raise you just got or how you ran your fastest mile ever last week because you don’t want them to think you’re bragging. 

Dancer Ashley Everett knows exactly what that feels like. After all, she used to be the longtime former dance captain for Beyoncé — and who casts a larger shadow than Beyoncé? Her friend and renowned dancer Jasmine Harper (who also danced alongside the singer for over a decade) has been there, too. Ditto for their friend Randy C. Bonds, who, as a celebrity publicist and brand strategist, has devoted his whole career to getting others in the public eye. 

“What the three of us have in common is that we work in the background,” Bonds says. 

But now, the trio is turning the spotlight on themselves, launching a new company called Be Greater Than with the goal of encouraging others to not dim their light for anyone — and they’re using wellness to do it.

The trio explain that Be Greater Than will give people the tools they need to fill their own cups and build the confidence it takes to be their most genuine self in every area of their lives. Throughout 2024 (and beyond), the founders will host workshops and retreats throughout the U.S. (exact locations and dates TBD) with wellness activities and panels that tackle real-world issues, like how to advocate for yourself at work and in your relationships. They’ll also be launching a podcast, interviewing others about these topics.

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Bonds explains that the whole mission behind Be Greater Than is to help people wholeheartedly embrace their authentic selves. “[It’s the idea of] not shrinking yourself when you walk into a room out of fear of outshining someone,” he says. “It’s about living comfortably and letting your light shine.” In practice, that could look like proudly telling your best friend about your new PR in the weight room — even if it surpasses her own best — or posting about the new home you bought after years of hustling in your career. 

Everett says that this starts with focusing on self-love and prioritizing yourself — a shift she had to make in her own life. “It’s about prioritizing your dreams while having enough energy left to do the things you love. You have to fill your own cup every single day,” she says. For her, that meant not just taking whatever opportunity was thrown her way, an easy trap to fall into in a space like the entertainment business. Instead, she began considering if each job would truly serve her, helping her grow. 

For Harper, self-love and putting herself first means getting up super early (she has a one-year-old child) to work out. As a dancer, she says she spends so much time devoting her energy — and workouts — to other people, but her morning exercise sessions are for her. The moral of the story? Find an activity or practice that truly supports your well-being, and don’t be afraid to set up boundaries to preserve that sacred time.

Another cornerstone of Be Greater Than’s mission is reinforcing the truth that wellness and self-care aren’t luxuries; everyone deserves to take part in them, says Bonds. It’s why they aren’t gatekeeping any of the lessons. Can’t make it to an in-person workshop? You’ll still be able to listen in on the conversations happening on the podcast. 

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While Bonds emphasizes that wellness isn’t a luxury, he says that he wants everyone to know that they, themselves, are. “You are a luxury,” he says. Everyone has qualities that make themselves special, says Bonds. And if your colleagues, friends, or romantic connections can’t see those traits, there are others out there who will — and those are the people worth your energy.

Right now, Be Greater Than is just at the beginning of its journey. The company is still in the soft-launch phase (so you really are one of the first people to learn about it), but in 2024, it’s full-throttle. For more info about Be Greater Than and to be the first to know when the workshops and retreats are happening, follow the brand on Instagram at @begreaterthan_.

Photos: Imitari Photography

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