The Round Up: December

A monthly selection of articles to inform and inspire a high-performance lifestyle

Marie Kondo wants you to establish routines to create a “fulfilling and joy-sparking life.”

Equinox+ spoke with the tidying expert about how her work and philosophy have evolved, as well as how her unique definition of wellness guides her morning routines, her parenting techniques, her plans for the future, and more. READ MORE

“Stealth wealth” is taking over fashion, and the fitness apparel category is no exception.

While the stealth movement mostly focuses on everyday clothes, that’s not the only area of the retail space where this trend is popping up. Annie Walters, Vice President of Retail at Equinox, says quiet luxury is having a moment in the athleisure world, too. READ MORE

Want to save your skin this winter? Let an Equinox esthetician guide you.

There are steps you can take to combat the most common effects that cold weather has on your skin, according to Yin Ping Yue, an esthetician at the Spa at Equinox. Unlock your head-to-toe game plan. READ MORE


Do More With: The Wave

The low-impact, accessible alternative to battle ropes challenges your cardiovascular system and core stability. READ MORE

Breaking Into Ballet as an Adult

This 27-year-old ballet dancer is proving it’s never too late to go after what you want. READ MORE

How to Fight Off Winter Illness

Discover the best practices for winter-proofing your immunity. READ MORE

Self-Motivate with Kindness

Motivating yourself doesn’t have to be a self-deprecating process. READ MORE

The Wellness History of Amaro

All about amaro, a 13-century wellness tonic that’s found at your local martini bar. READ MORE

More December 2023