Stretching Gets Personal

Go deeper with a one-on-one, assisted stretch session, now available at the Spa.

You hear it from class instructors, massage therapists, personal trainers, well-meaning, yoga-obsessed friends, and even Harvard researchers: People aren’t stretching enough.

Research shows that short-duration static stretching during a warm-up can positively affect flexibility and lower the risk of musculotendinous injury, especially during high-intensity activity. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends stretching daily as one of its five pillars of physical fitness. And a small 2023 study even found a direct correlation between the length of a stretch session and increased range of motion; the more time participants took to stretch, the better their flexibility. 

Still, some people may not know how to create an effective stretch routine and, as a result, aren’t giving their muscles the TLC they need.

One solution: One-to-One Stretching, Equinox’s new Spa program providing members with deep, dedicated stretching sessions. Here’s what to know.

A Deeper, Longer Stretch

In a typical 30- or 60-minute One-to-One Stretching session, an Equinox licensed massage therapist will follow a protocol designed to maximize the effects of a full-body stretch; the Spa team member will help you work through a combination of static stretching, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, myofascial release, and traditional Eastern techniques inspired by Thai massage and Shiatsu. In future iterations, an Equinox-approved certified stretch specialist may guide you through your session. 

Because this service comes from the Spa team, the experience emphasizes fitness, recovery, and the pleasure of self-care. Expect it to help offset the stresses and aches brought on by modern life. 

“Neck, hip, and back pain from muscular imbalances caused by sitting in front of a computer all day is extremely common. For me, even working out and stretching several times a week has not been enough to counteract these imbalances,” says James Gu, Equinox’s senior director of Spa. “Getting assisted stretch sessions feels great and helps, but I always think about how great I feel after a massage. We created this program to combine modern, advanced stretching techniques with elements from traditional modalities — like Thai and Shiatsu — so we can provide the most effective and enjoyable stretch experience possible.” 

RELATED: Ward Off Post-Flight Stiffness with These Stretches

The Benefits of One-on-One Assisted Stretch Sessions

Even if you’re already implementing stretch sessions or attending a stretch-focused class in your weekly routine, One-to-One Stretch will expand the possibilities of flexibility and performance while emphasizing bringing the body into balance. According to Gu, clients will see many benefits starting after the first session, including “increased flexibility, improved balance of the muscular system (which reduces pain and likelihood of injury), and a boost in physical and athletic performance.” There’s also a mental benefit. “Stretching can also improve mood [as it may potentially] release endorphins,” he says.

That’s not to say you should choose between individualized stretch sessions and, for example, your favorite Equinox yoga class. 

“Stretch classes are great for overall flexibility and reduction of tension. The same can be said for yoga with the added benefit of increased strength,” says Gu. “These are important benefits, so if possible, I recommend people participate in both [stretch classes and one-on-one sessions]. [These] sessions will provide targeted and focused stretching where you need it the most, especially for those muscular structures that can be extremely difficult to stretch on your own.” 

In other words: Why not both?

“Use a stretch class or yoga for overall flexibility; use one-on-one stretching to bring your muscular system back into balance,” says Gu.  

RELATED: Classes To Optimize Flexibility and Movement

One-on-One Gets Personal 

Like Equinox’s other one-on-one offerings, you can expect to receive a personalized program during your One-to-One Stretching session, plus advice that you can take into your daily routine. 

“Many stretches we use in our program are also muscle length tests,” says Gu. “When our specialists see that certain muscles are not allowing what is considered an ‘optimal range of motion,’ they will adjust the time and pressure of the stretch to address that.” Clients will also receive feedback from their specialist on any muscles that are shortened (i.e. need more stretching) or overstretched (i.e. need more strengthening), he adds.

As for how often to book a One-to-One session, Gu says that your specialist can make recommendations after assessing your flexibility in the first appointment. 

“Similar to an exercise program, this will differ from person to person based on their goals and current state, but as a baseline for a relatively healthy individual without major imbalances, I would recommend receiving a one-on-one stretch session one or two times a week, says Gu. “For anyone who would like to address issues arising from the lack of flexibility or shortened muscles, [I might recommend] three or four times a week for best results. Combine [it] with an exercise program designed to address the same issues, and you’ll get even better results.” 

But even a single assisted stretch session in the Spa promises some perks. “Aside from the specific benefits or issues we aim to address, our one-on-one stretch also just feels really good,” says Gu. “For me, that’s one of the most attractive reasons to get a session.” 

Click here to book a session at The Spa at Equinox today.

More February 2024