7 Ways to Boost Mental Clarity

Equinox experts give actionable steps to support your mental wellness.

1. Don’t shy away from setting boundaries.

According to clinical psychologist and author Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D., there are five “types” of boundaries you can start working with today. “In general, it’s wise to have boundaries in place to protect our mental, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual health. When we protect ourselves in these key areas — making sure that we have solid boundaries in place to protect ourselves — we tend to reduce unnecessary stress in our lives,” she says. READ MORE

2. Practice neutral thinking to move on from setbacks.

"Champions don't think negatively or positively — they think neutrally," says Trevor Moawad, a mental conditioning coach based in Manhattan Beach, California. Neutral thinking is based less on a construct of clear actions and more on the absence of negativity. The approach essentially helps you move on rather than become debilitated by negative experiences. READ MORE

3. Try NEAT several times a day.

“Small bursts of activity are just as important as the time you put into going to the gym,” says best-selling author Max Lugavere. Scientists call these mini-movements NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Some examples include walking a pet, cleaning the house, folding laundry, or playing with your kids. “NEAT movements improve heart health and can burn anywhere from 300 to 1,000 calories per day,” he says. They benefit the brain, too. “When you move, the body pumps fresh and nutrient-dense blood up to the brain, which boosts attention, energy, and focus,” says Lugavere. READ MORE

4. Consider defensive pessimism.

Defensive pessimism is characterized by setting low expectations and playing through all the bad things that might happen, shares Julie Norem, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Wellesley College in Massachusetts and a pioneer in related research. Having this trait can actually increase self-esteem, ease anxiety, help you plan for and cope with the future, and improve mental performance. Defensive pessimists are good planners. You can meet and overcome challenges by first imagining how and why plan A might go wrong, then setting up strategies to avoid those adverse outcomes, says Norem. READ MORE

5. Have a dance party.

“You’ll not only see a boost in feel-good endorphins from moving your body, but you’ll also reap the benefits of expressing yourself freely and with vulnerability,” writes Michael Gervais, the Senior Director of Group Fitness Programming at Equinox. “Because it happens in real-time, there is a feeling of immediacy and presence, fostering a deeper connection with the flow of life. READ MORE

6. Improve your memory with exercise.

“Incorporating the science of exercise into one's fitness routine can yield long-term benefits for memory enhancement,” says Ella McCrystal, a psychotherapist/clinical hypnotherapist and director of The Northampton Clinic, a 94-year-old osteopathic clinic in the United Kingdom. “Engaging in regular physical activity stimulates the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that promotes the growth of neurons and supports synaptic plasticity. This mechanism facilitates the formation and consolidation of memories, ultimately contributing to improved memory retention.” READ MORE

7. Harness the power of solitude.

Moments of solitude can prove to be positive for the individual, according to Thuy-vy T Nguyen, Ph.D., an associate professor at Durham University’s Department of Psychology and the principal investigator at The Solitude Lab. “Having short periods of solitude can help with rest and recovery,” she explains. “When we have a brief period of solitude, strong emotions drop — that includes the excitement and joy that is heightened during social interaction, but also anxiety and fear. Social interaction brings all sorts of emotion to the surface, and solitude brings those down and allows for other calming emotions to take place, meaning you can feel recharged.” READ MORE

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